North American Hands on Deck - April 2020

Lynn Chotowetz (Hands international office director) updated us on what’s happening across Africa in the midst of the spread of coronavirus. We were reminded about the importance of us continuing to advocate for the already-vulnerable children, their care givers and the Care Workers as their communities face the pandemic. If you weren’t present, we encourage you to listen to Lynn’s update:

Hands on Deck Newsletter - Issue 73

Hands on Deck Newsletter - Issue 73

This issue of Hands on Deck includes reflections from Pragcidence Mwenda on her time in Nigeria, a reflection from Sylvia Mwewa, Kay Chizu and Pinky Ngutshane on the African Leaders Training in Kabwe, the new Volunteer Intake reflects on their time in Eswatini, an update on the maize distribution in Baraka from Tommy Malster and Gideon Mbuzi, and praise and prayer requests for Hands at Work in Africa. 

US Hands on Deck - March 2020

George Snyman shares an update on his recent time in Zambia and Zimbabwe. He reflects on how difficult circumstances show us how far we have come and encourage us. He also shares about radical growth happening in Africa, and challenges us that we cannot inspire change in others until we have been changed ourselves.

Brooke Heubner speaks into the importance of processing the past and dreaming for the future as we each work on our Advocate Action Plans. She shares that it's important for us to reflect so we can see what worked and maybe what didn't, and to challenge ourselves to grow and stretch ourselves because that's when God builds our faith. 

US Hands on Deck - February 2020

Michelle (Tom) Damour, long-term volunteer (US), reflected on the Watchword for 2020 and the need to question ourselves and the condition of our hearts if we want to truly bear fruit.

Sara (Waldvogel) Makwakwa, long-term volunteer (US), challenged us to identify things within us that we allow to choke out the good things God wants to change in us and to specifically name things in order to face our sins.

Hands on Deck Newsletter - Issue 68

Hands on Deck Newsletter - Issue 68

This issue of Hands on Deck includes stories from Audrey Sibiya on the recent Maranatha Workshop in The Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland), Nathan and Genevieve Bell on their time in Zambia, Chris Dittmann on his time in South Africa, Xolani Makwakwa and Hannah Mohajer on the Oshoek Youth Camp and praise and prayer requests for Hands at Work in Africa.