Going Deeper - Watchword 2011

At the beginning of each year, the Hands at Work family in Africa sets aside a morning to meditate on the watchword for the new season.

We recorded audio tracks of each of the speakers and we encourage you to listen to them by clicking on the links below.

Click here to listen to Hands at Work founder, George Snyman.

Click here to listen to Lynn Chotowetz, Levy Mwende, the communion & prayer and the closing.

Watchword 2011 It’s in Christ that we find out WHO we are and WHAT we are living for.                  - Ephesians 1:11 (The Message)


We make a choice, this morning, and we say: with God we can conquer all things.

“Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.”

I dwell in the high heavens, and I dwell in hearts of the humble. Wow.

“We’ve gotta do something!”

No wonder God says, “Unless you become like a child...”

I want you to catch what God is saying to us: I want to do something, first IN you and, from there, OUTWARD.

The power of the Holy Spirit is going to come, he is going to mould, he is going to shape and he is going to bring forth a nation that mirrors himself.

We’re being moulded into who God wants us to be … we don’t want to be shallow. It is not a discussion, we’ve already decided: we want to go deep.

Absolutely, this year is about going deeper.

Walking with Wounded Children (SA)

Julia Essmann and a Joy Home-Based Care care worker exchange stories

Emily Dinhira opens her Bible to Mark chapter 10 and starts teaching. Bartimaeus was blind man, rejected by his family, friends and community to the extent that his very name was an afterthought: Bar-timaeus literally means the Son of Timaeus. People knew about him. He was well-known as the community's beggar and as the story unfolds it is obvious that he was more of an annoyance than someone whose fate in life was met with compassion.

The day that Jesus came to town was no different: "When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, 'Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!' Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, 'Son of David, have mercy on me!'"

Emily pauses to ask some questions of her audience: A group of ten care workers at Joy Home-Based Care, congregated for a five-day course entitled Walking with Wounded Children. Do they know any blind people? Are the blind respected members of the community?

Care workers listen attentively to the Hands at Work course facilitatorsThe story continues and Emily talks about Jesus stopping and asking for the blind man to be brought to him, “'What do you want me to do for you?' Jesus asked him. The blind man said, 'Rabbi, I want to see.'” Why would Jesus ask such a question?

The morning's devotion sets the tone for the second day of the course. Emily, along with Betty Kasaija from Uganda and two other facilitators, presented the course on trauma to this group of care workers from a community-based organisation that Hands at Work supports.

World AIDS Day on facebook

Click on this thumbnail and save the full size image for your profile pic!Are you on facebook?

In honor of WORLD AIDS DAY and in memory of all mothers and fathers who have passed away due to HIV/AIDS and the millions of children left behind, we are asking you to change your profile picture on facebook. In particular today we think of Dumiso (14) and Ayanda (13) in Swaziland.

Raise awareness once more that many are still suffering from the affects of HIV/AIDS but hope and healing can come through the work of our hands and the prayers of our hearts today.

If you are on facebook, and haven’t done so already, join our growing community:  Become a fan »   Join our cause »


True fasting (SWZ)

Alicia Ralph, a long-term volunteer from Canada, visited Swaziland earlier this year. Here she reflects on her encounter with a young family in the care of the local Swaziland team.

It was our last home visit of the day. The sun was low and the dry grass on the hills shone like spun gold.

We parked on the side of the dirt road, got out and starred way down the mountain at a tiny house in the valley. There, we had learned, two young boys – Dumiso, 14-years-old, and Ayanda, 13-years-old – lived with their sister. Their parents had passed away some years before and they were left to care for themselves.

As we started down the hill my mind was busy with so many questions: How did these boys get food? Did they go to school and, if so, how long did it take them to walk there? Hours, I imagined.

In quietness and trust

Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.Last weekend the atmosphere at the Hands at Work Hub in White River, South Africa, was quiet and serene as the 'local' Hands family engaged in a 24-hour, devout time of prayer and meditation.

It was a fruitful time of putting on the full armour of God and of asking, seeking and knocking. Thank you to our international family who stood in the gap with us.

"I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land..." - Ezekiel 22:30

Join us in a devoted time of prayer

“In worship, God imparts himself to us.” - C.S. Lewis

The Hands Family, South Africa, invites you to join us in a time of prayer and fasting, of petitioning, meditating and listening.

On Friday, 19 November at 18:00 SAST (South Africa Standard Time) or GMT +2, the Hands Family will enter into 24-hours of praying and fasting. We will set up a schedule of 1-hour prayer slots, forming a strong chain. At 18:00 on Saturday, 20 November, with a breaking of the fast, we'll enjoy a meal together and share what God has imparted to each of us.

Though you might not be at the Hub in South Africa, we would love to band together with you in prayer. Please consider committing to an hour slot – and letting us know which slot you've taken – to worship, to intercede and to seek His wisdom. Email us any thoughts, words or pictures you might receive, then check back next week for prayer reports from the Hub. (Email margie@handsatwork.org)

During this week leading up to Friday evening, we will be meditating on various topics and scriptures. Check back, daily, for updates here.

“There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer.” - D.A.T. Pierson

Against all odds (ZAM)

The new vegetable garden will help ensure that 29 of Susu's children are fed a nutritious meal dailyDescribed as a 'diamond in the rough' by Lonely Planet, Zambia conjures up images of the Victoria Falls and Lake Kariba for most. And as breathtaking as the attractions of this country are, it is in the tucked away villages, away from the tourist hustle and bustle, that you will find the true gems of Zambia: its people.

About an hour and a half from Zambia's original mining city, Kabwe, is the little-known community of Susu. The people here are extremely impoverished and this small town is isolated from the city and its education facilities and health services.

Hands at Work, through our model of mobilising and equipping local Christians to effectively care for the poorest of the poor, has been partnering with Susu community since 2004. Friends of Hands at Work, Nurses for Africa, recently visited the community to see to its basic healthcare needs.

Paper chains ushered in Susu's visitorsThe group of eight nurses made their way to Susu in September this year via a bumpy road, meandering through thick bush, until they reached a clearing where they were met by a welcoming, brightly coloured display of paper chains made by the community's 187 children.

It was obvious to the visitors that Susu community is setting the bar high: The community-based organisation, comprising of local volunteers and supported by Hands at Work, is currently ensuring that 29 of the most vulnerable children receive a nutritious, daily meal, which will soon by supplemented by their new vegetable garden. The organisation's care workers also make regular home visits to orphaned and vulnerable children, bringing encouragement and love. And a life-saving borehole has been sunk which supplies clean drinking water to the whole community.

Pupils listen attentively to their volunteer teacher in their outdoor classroomBy far the most outstanding trait of this community, however, is its commitment to educating its children: “Education is the key to success” is a proudly displayed slogan here and Susu's four volunteer teachers are dedicated to teaching their pupils despite a desperate lack of resources. The community has no government school and had the community-based organisation not stepped in, Susu's children would be left illiterate and without an opportunity to escape the poverty trap. Class is held in make-shift structures or under trees, but when it rains in this tropical area, school is often cancelled. The community is not taking it lying down, though: In faith, they have started firing clay bricks in a kiln in the hope that funds for cement and other materials would be supplied.

The schooling challenge, unfortunately, is not the only one. Susu is about 15 km from the closest medical clinic. Children and adults alike are suffering from diseases, waterborne or otherwise, that would be a easily treated in a well-equipped facility. What would merely be an irritation to a Westerner, can sometimes be a life-threatening condition in rural communities such as this.

The Nurses for Africa team – the forth one to visit Zambia in the 2 years – makes a huge difference with each visit. The nurses from Illinois, US got to work fast and saw to the basic needs of just over 400 people.

With a little help from its international friends, this community – determined to beat the odds – has a promising future ahead of it.

Read about a previous Nurses for Africa visit here.

Have a look at more Susu photos on our Flickr site.

No longer shall the poor be nameless (ZAM)

Danny and Kim reunited

Kim Burgess, a Forge Church (UK) volunteer, recently wrote to Hands at Work: In 2008 she had an unforgettable experience in Luanshya, Zambia. We'd like to share her story with you here.

In 2008 I met a 14-year-old boy who changed me.

Danny Longwani.

He came to the week-long camp in just the clothes he was wearing. He was quiet, guarded and unsure. He was the oldest in the group of children I was working with and whilst he helped with the younger ones, I could see real pain in his eyes. It was haunting.

One evening he came to me with a broken, plastic flip-flop in his hand. He had no other shoes. I tried at first to mend it with string, but then got angry: Danny deserved shoes! Fortunately, I was able to get him a pair that fitted from one of our team members. He was so happy about his 'new' shoes, you would have thought I'd given him the world, not a hand-me-down!

He began to trust me and told me his story. He was going to Ebenezar Community School set up by Hands. He was living with his uncle who didn't have the means to feed him, so his grades were dropping as he had to spend his time trying to find food. His story broke my heart. He was a young boy who, through no fault of his own, had no shoes on his feet and no food to eat. That's just not right!

George in Toronto (CA)

Toronto, save the date!


Hands at Work founder, George Snyman, will be speaking at a couple of venues during his stay in Toronto. His visit forms part of a six-week tour spanning 3 countries. If you've not had the privilege of hearing George 'live', don't miss this opportunity to be inspired, encouraged and challenged!


Hearing God Speak through the the Global Church
Six Themes of Lausanne 2010
Date: Tuesday November 30th
Time: 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Location: Tyndale University, College & Seminary, Room 1002
To register contact: Robert Cousins at tim@tyndale.ca or (416) 226-6380 x 2708
See flyer

iCrave Justice for a Generation of Orphans
Date: Tuesday November 30th
Time: 4:45pm
Location: Multi-Faith Centre, located in Koffler House, 569 Spadina Ave., Main Activity Room, Second Floor
See flyer

Save the dates, and start saving to travel!


Hands at Work will once again be hosting four Regional Celebrations and our International Country Office Meeting in 2011. Last year was a huge success. Vision and heart were imparted and shared amongst a larger audience then ever. It was a great time of connecting, encouraging and celebrating. Read more about it here.


So get out your pencils and jot down the following 2011 Regional Celebrations dates:

South Africa and Swaziland / March 23 - 25, 2011 / Hands at Work near White River, South Africa

Zambia, DRC and Malawi / April 13 - 15, 2011 / Kafakumba Lodge near Luanshya, Zambia

Int’l Country Office Meeting / April 16 - 17, 2011 / Kachele Farm near Luanshya, Zambia

If you are interested in attending or helping fundraise for this chance to acknowledge and appreciate our Community Based Organisations and Service Center Field offices in each of these countries for the incredible life-giving work they do then please contact us at info@handsatwork.org.

Team up!

The Nurses for Africa team was touched by the community as much as it appreciated their visitHands at Work is privileged to see a number of teams step over our communities' thresholds every year.

2010 has been no different: This year alone Zambia has been blessed by two partner churches (Rock Church from Halifax, Canada and Grace Church from Racine, USA), and two Nurses for Africa teams with nurses from all over Illinois.

Luanshya, also in Zambia, hosted a team from Perth, Australia.

The Forge Church from Suffolk in the UK sent a building team and a team to run a kids camp in Luanshya, and Zion Christian Centre from West Midlands, UK sent a team to explore new communities in Kitwe and beyond with a view to setting up new partnerships.

Click here to view pictures from the Australian and Nurses for Africa teams and a team from Saskatoon (Canada) on our Flickr page.

Where will their hope come from? (DRC)

John is a 27-year-old, single man whose dream is simply to work so that he can provide for a family. Something, he feels, he can only do with good education under his belt. After he lost his parents, when John was only ten years old, his older brother took care of him and taught him how to work. John finished his secondary schooling, but hasn't been able to afford a tertiary education.

For John, from Goma in the war-torn eastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), life is very difficult. The entire North Kivu province is marked with hardship and suffering. Life is about surviving another day.

It wasn't always like this. Locals say tourists visited the region, famous as home to the Great Lakes, as recent as 2002. Today - though endowed with vast reserves of gold, copper, cobalt and diamonds - volcano eruptions and increasingly violent rebel attacks have effectively strangled the area.

The eight-year, bloody war has been over for seven years, but the fighting continues. Despite this, the government which is celebrating its 50th year of independence, has closed most of the refugee camps scattered across the eastern provinces of the DRC leaving millions of people homeless. Zambia – impoverished and without much to offer Congolese refugees – has, too, closed two of its camps.

A young family fighting for survivalLeft with little choice, refugees are returning to their burned-down, vandalised towns often without family members. Stunned, groups of people - unrelated other than sharing the same adversity - congregate to from huddles of make-do communities.

Last month Hands at Work founder, George Snyman, visited eastern DRC.

George Snyman in Saskatoon (CA)

Hands founder, George Snyman, will be speaking at two venues in Saskatoon next month. Have a look below for more details. Scroll down a bit further if you're based in Calgary, the USA or the UK for details on his speaking engagements there.

Looking forward to seeing you!


Date Thursday, 18 November

Venue University of Saskatchewan, Health Sciences B6

Time 12:30 - 01:30pm


Date Thursday, 18 November

Venue Hosted by Lakeview Church - open to the public. Click here for directions.

Time 07:00pm

Hands founder, George, to take a tour of 'duty' in the USA

George Snyman's six-week tour is underway. He will spending time in the UK and Canada before visiting the USA. Spending nearly three weeks in the country, he will be speaking in Wisconsin, Illinois and Minneapolis from 3 to 23 November.

George is known for being an encouraging and challenging speaker. He will not only be talking about Hands at Work, but also about our mandate as Christians to respond to poverty. Not to be missed!

Date Wednesday, 3 November
Venue University of Wisconsin-Madison
Time 08:00pm 

"This is not OK"
AIDS is the greatest orphan maker of our time. If we really do want justice we must wake up... Individuals can change the world! Join 
K Love and live worship by The Spark as George Snyman speaks about his life's work. Download the flyer.
 Thursday, 4 November
Venue Grace in Racine, 3626 Hwy 31, Racine, WI
Time 07:00pm

Also see George at Grace in Racine on Sunday!

"This is not OK"
Come, listen to 
The Spark and hear George Snyman speak about his life's work caring and advocating for the most vulnerable, destitute and orphaned victims of AIDS in Africa. Download the flyer.
 Friday, 5 November
Venue Glenview Community Church, 1000 Elm Street, Glenview, IL
Time 07:00pm

Date Sunday, 7 November
Venue Grace in Racine, 3626 Highway 31, Racine, WI
Time 8:30am and 10:15


Church Services
 Sunday, 21 November
Venue Cornerstone Community Church, Orange County
Time Sunday services 09:00am and 11:00am

Love God, Love Your Neighbor
 Tuesday, 23 November
Venue Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, MN
Time 06:30pm - 09:00pm

George will also be interviewed on radio! Tune in:

Date Monday, 1 November
Time 1:15pm
Radio station George will be interviewed by Frank Carmichael on Happenings Radio AM1050 WLIP

Date Tuesday, 2 November
Time 6:00pm 
Radio station Milwaukee Public Radio 

Date Wednesday, 3 November
Time 10:00 – 11:00am
Radio station Live interview via telephone with Nancy Turner from Moody Bible Radio
Heard on 90.1 FM Chicago and AM 1110 Chicago

Date Friday, 5 November
Time 3:00pm
Radio station Interviewed by Jerome McDonald, Worldview on Chicago Public Radio

Calgary, you're next up! (CA)

Calgary, get your diaries out and make a note of the dates below.

As part of his six-week tour of the UK, Canada and the USA, George will be speaking at four gatherings in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Don't miss it!


Date Friday, 12 November

Venue Westside King's Church, West Hall, 3939 - 69 Street SW, Calgary

Time 07:30pm

Tickets $60


Date Sunday, 14 November

Venue Freedom House, Calgary Dream Centre Campus, 4510 Macleod Trail SE, Calgary

Time 09:30am coffee and conversation and 10:00am service


Date Sunday, 14 November

Venue Westside Kings Church, 3939 69 Street SW, Calgary

Time Unedited Service at 07:00pm


Date Monday, 15 November

Venue Downtown Public Library, The Central Library, Meeting Room 1, 616 Macleod Trail SE, Calgary

Time 07:00pm (Doors open to public at 06:30pm)


Date Tuesday, 16 November

Venue La Vita Belle, 401 12th Avenue SE, Calgary

Time 09:00 - 11:00am

Everyone welcome!


Date Tuesday, 16 November  

Venue Fish Creek Public Library, 11161 Bonaventure Drive SE, Calgary (SE corner of South Centre Shopping Centre, across the street from the Family Leisure Centre)

Time 6:00pm

George soon to hit the UK

Hands at Work founder, George Snyman, has kicked off his six-week tour of the UK, Canada and the USA. He will be speaking at a number of churches during his visit. Not to be missed!

Have a look below for the dates and venues of the UK leg of the tour. Canada and USA tour details soon to follow.


George and his wife, Carolyn, on the airwaves!

George and Carolyn will be interviewed on Premier Christian Radio on Saturday, 23 October.

Time 08.25am

You can listen in London on Medium Wave 1305, 1332 and 1413, nationally on Sky Digital 0123, Freeview 725 and DAB. You can also listen online.


George's other speaking engagements:

Date Saturday, 23 October

Venue St Luke’s Church, Cell Barnes Lane, St Albans AL1 5QJ

Time Afternoon service


Date Sunday, 24 October

Venue The Forge Community Church, The Old Chapel, Forward Green, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 5HP

Time 09.30am and 11.30am services


Date Monday, 25 October

Venue Greenfinch Church, Greenfinch Avenue, Ipswich, Suffolk IP2 0SQ

Time 07:30pm


Date Sunday, 31 October

Venue Zion Church, Little Cornbow, Halesowen, West Midlands B63 3AJ

Time 09:00am and 11:00pm

Children’s Day in Lagos, Nigeria

In the slums of Ilaje in Lagos, Nigeria - where the majority of children have little to no access to food, education and basic health care - a memorable day was organised for children there. On this day in late May, schools from more privileged areas in Lagos came to be with the children in the Ilaje community and brought gifts of food, clothes and pens and books. One of the kids from Grace School, who was having a birthday, shared his birthday by celebrating the day with the kids in the community.

Fidson Healthcare provided medicine to be distributed to those in need by the Hands at Work office. The day birthed a beginning of something special and the Ilaje community, together with all the other community-based organisations in Lagos, marked this day Children’s Day.

Many, visiting Ilaje for the first time, were surprised that this level of disparity existed in Lagos. Yet, the kids felt loved and cared for, and everyone present had a positive response.

Aiding 4000 in desperate need in Bushbuckridge, SA

Bushbuckridge in South Africa is known for being one of the poorest areas in South Africa. With the majority of its inhabitants being refugees from Mozambique who moved to the area during the time of war. For this reason, many of them were left vulnerable without homes to live in, and identity documentation that could grant them government help. Bushbuckridge was one of the first places Hands at Work moved into to begin a service centre and now hosts the majority of the children to whom we offer service in South Africa.

Things have not always been easy, as many of the kids were not able to receive grants because they lacked South African identification documents (IDs) and birth certificates. At the beginning of July Hands at Work held a USAID sponsored grant jamboree in Bushbuckridge. The jamboree gathered government workers, social workers, home affairs officials and community shop owners in one place to help about 4000 community members, most of whom were orphans and the elderly in desperate need of obtain ID documents, birth certificates and government grants. Of the 4000 community members, 29 received grants (26 of whom are orphans) and almost 200 ID documents and birth certificates were issued.

The jamboree was a great success and has created many new opportunities for children and families.

Celebration across Africa a Huge Success! (SA) (ZAM) (MOZ) (NIG)

In early April this year we began celebrating with our communities and family across Africa: First in South Africa, then Zambia, on to Mozambique and finally in Nigeria in late May, covering all the regions in which we work.

This involved a large representation of our care workers and office staff coming together for a time to be refreshed, to build relationships, and to re-establish the vision, core values and the roles which each of us play. Now is the Time was the theme of the celebration and a strong Word shared throughout the conference was, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news."

Here is some feedback from those who attended our celebrations:

From our South Africa Region with Swaziland Celebration

“[I realised] that we all have beautiful feet. We just need to keep walking in the name of Jesus.”

“[I realised] children are an important part of the future.”

“[I realised] starting with money is not as important as starting with the vision. Then God will provide as long as you serve Him faithfully.”

“I realised the extent of compassion which exists within the community-based organisations, and Hands at Work in the field, is sacrificial, Biblical, humbling and spurs me into action.”

“[I realised] I’m a voice to the voiceless and I should speak and do things on their behalf.”

We're Listening (CA)

As is often the case, George speaks and people listen.  It was no different for us at Lakeview Church in Saskatoon, Canada.  After having heard the heart wrenching stories of orphaned children living in squalor, of grandmothers forced to work well into old age to feed the grandchildren they were now responsible for, of violence, heartache and despair, we were weighed down by the heaviness of oppression. But the story wasn’t left there. George then painted a picture of solidarity and hope, brought about through the unification of the church doing true religion, “to look after orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1v27). Many of us at Lakeview fell in love with the vision. 

Soon after George spoke, a few people from the congregation formed a group of advocates who called themselves “Lakeview Hands”. They started spreading the news about the call on the church to serve the poorest of the poor. Slowly people started making trips, on their own and then in groups.  Of course as more and more people met and fell in love with people in Africa, it seemed practical to come up with ways to raise awareness and money at home in order to support Hands at Work in Africa. The wider church body became involved around Christmas 2008 when the church launched an advent conspiracy campaign with all money going to support a community in Zambia. 

The campaign was a great success in getting the word out about Hands at Work.  The money raised built a small schoolhouse and provided food, education and basic health care to over 50 children in the desperate slum - Mulenga, Zambia.  Following that there were a number of fundraisers including an “ice-cream sundae sale” and “massive yard sale”, which together raised over $4000...