Healing in Mozambique

Healing in Mozambique

For the past four years, Chumai has suffered from epilepsy. His mother decided to return to her family because she could not deal with Chumai’s illness or those of the rest of the family, including Chumai’s father. A few months after leaving her children, Chumai’s mother remarried. Tragically Chumai’s father, Joaquim, died after falling from a platform used to dry maize cobs.

Our Calling: Royie and Violet Nazombe

Our Calling: Royie and Violet Nazombe

When many children were not going to school in their community of Mngwere, Malawi, Royie and Violet responded. They knew they were called to bring life to these orphaned and vulnerable children. Their vision began in 2007, when a group of people from the church Royie serves in as a pastor started caring for the most vulnerable children in Mngwere. In their poverty stricken community, mobilising the local church to sacrifice their own meagre resources to care for others was a challenge. 

My Calling - Jen Waspe

My Calling - Jen Waspe

I met my husband Dan when I was 10, at Christian camp. He was teasing me and stole my necklace – that’s how I always remembered him. As a teenager, my friends and I toured other church’s youth events. We started going to a Bible study – turns out it was Dan’s church. He didn’t go to the Bible study, but when we heard a group of girls had started coming, there he was! We started dating; I was 16 and he still had my stolen necklace.

Ama in Nigeria

Ama in Nigeria

Ama is a 10-year-old girl from the community of Ilaje, Nigeria. When she was young her father passed away, leaving her in the care of her paralysed mother, Esther. At a very young age Ama was forced to become the breadwinner in order for her family to survive. As a result, Ama has not had the opportunity to be a child.

Our Calling - Tyler and Alicia Ralph

Our Calling - Tyler and Alicia Ralph

Our ministry in Southern Africa began in 2009 when we volunteered for three months with Hands at Work.  After our first season, we knew God was calling us to return to Africa for another year. After that year, we again spent time searching God’s heart only to discover that we needed to make the move to South Africa more permanent. 

Friendship and Faithful Care

Friendship and Faithful Care

When Winnie’s* father died in 2010, she was only 2 years old. Her mother, Docile, was left alone to care for Winnie and her older sister and brother. Struggling to care for the family herself, while grieving the loss of her husband, was already a heavy burden for Docile to carry. 


Finding Healing in Honesty

Finding Healing in Honesty

After losing her father, Trina* was sad and confused. She struggled to cope with his death and her pain became deeply entrenched in her heart. When a new step-father came into her home, he rejected Trina as a daughter. This further loss created more inner trauma and Trina withdrew from those around her

Meet Innocent

Meet Innocent

Growing up without a father is a common experience for many children in Zambia. Innocent is one of these fatherless children.  Like many boys in Zambia he dreams of becoming a pilot, flying away to places he has only heard of, places that do not reflect the dire poverty in Kalende.

Journals from Africa

Journals from Africa

"The first thing that strikes me is how beautiful and precious these children are. The second thing was that ten million orphaned by AIDS. Ten million is a statistic that’s hard to comprehend, but a hundred children are real people, children whom you can start to get to know..." - Peter Hunt

The Forge: A Church Partner Story

The Forge: A Church Partner Story

Sam Walker first came with The Forge on a trip in 2008, and the trip has since remained a monumental moment in his life. “It was hard work for the volunteers at the Hub to accommodate me even for just one day but it made a huge difference - I caught the heart of Hands that day.”