Standing with the African Church
Hands at Work in Africa identifies African Christian leaders demonstrating a passion to serve the poorest of the poor. We support those leaders in developing a community-owned organisation that unites local churches and mobilizes congregation members, and we begin a long-term partnership of serving those organisations and working to increase their ability to provide effective, holistic care to the vulnerable: physical, spiritual, emotional and intellectual.
Churches outside Africa join their African brothers and sisters, participating not as donors but as family members joined in a common cause to serve the poor and to reach Africa's most vulnerable ... one by one.
One by One from Hands at Work in Africa on Vimeo.
We believe in the fullness of the body of Christ and the richness that a variety of styles and faith traditions can add to our work of loving the poor on behalf of Christ. We challenge all our church partners across Africa and around the world to grow deeper in their active love for Christ and their neighbors.