Playgrounds: Phophonyane
Introduction to Hands at Work in Africa
Who we are
We are a Christian non-profit organisation working in vulnerable communities across sub-Saharan Africa where HIV/AIDS, poverty and numbers of orphans are highest and support structures are very low. We help the local church in those communities to effectively care for the orphaned and vulnerable. Our ministry is to all those in need, regardless of race, class or religion.
What we do
We identify local Christian leaders within vulnerable communities who are already demonstrating a passion to serve the poor and broken in their community and to fulfill the biblical mandate to care for the orphaned and vulnerable. We support those leaders in developing a locally-owned organisation in their community and begin a long-term relationship of service and partnership, where we continually work to increase the community's capacity to provide care in an effective and holistic manner.
The Vulnerability of an African Girl
The most vulnerable communities in Africa, are hard places to be a girl.
The burden of extreme poverty falls hardest on women and girls.
They make 70% of the people living in extreme poverty.
60% of the chronically hungry are women and girls.
Two out of every three people who are never taught to read or write are female.
Invest in the Hands at Work care model to partner directly with Care Workers like Charity and to provide a future of hope for young girls like Sarah.
Changing The Way We Think About Education
Serving the most vulnerable children means preparing them and developing them for their future. This is one of the world's greatest tasks.
Foundational education is one of the key factors many of our children lack across Africa. Children need life skills for informal work. Without home environments that can teach this, the most vulnerable children are left unequipped.
Meet Jeffery, a youth who lives in the community of Sommerset in South Africa. Journey into his story and learn of the hardships he faced coming from Mozambique in order to seek a better life.
The Gift: Gogo Belita's Story
Belita lives in Chibuli community in central Zambia, where she is raising her 2 young granddaughters, Exhildah and Mary.
Here is a glimpse into her daily life and the challenges she overcame that brought her where she is today through the hope of Christ.
Meet Mwete
“She said you don’t have anywhere to go, so you can be part of my family” shares Mwete, who lives in the community of Toyota in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with Care Worker Mama Safi and her family.
Her Journey (Care Worker)
Across Africa, Care Workers from the local church are committed to caring for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the children, ensuring that they are loved and cared for.
“I became a Care Worker when I received an invitation from my pastor to join the work of caring for orphans and vulnerable children. Right there, I said that as long as it is the work of God, I would like to support this work.” - Mama Safi
A Generation on the Rise... (Youth)
“… for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these”
(Matthew 19:14 / Mark 10:14 / Luke 18:16)
The dream is to raise up a generation who loves Jesus, are committed to their families, belong to a local church, are generous to the poor and are positive role models in their communities.
Join us this Christmas as we continue to make this dream a reality for thousands of children across Africa like Judah.
Crisis & Response PowerPoint Tutorial
This tool enables you to tailor a message to your advocate group or church in a clear and concise manner that accurately portrays the model of Hands at Work. Download your own copy of the presentation here to edit for your advocacy efforts.