Dear Friends, What a wonderful year 2022 has been. From being able to send our first teams, volunteers and visitors back to Africa for the first time in 3 years, to celebrating the 20-year anniversary of Hands at Work both in Africa and here in Australia. We can see God’s hand and faithfulness at work weaving together a beautiful tapestry of which you and I are all a part of.
We were able to meet together once again this year for the Annual Hands Australia Advocates gathering in Canberra in March. It was a special time of connecting together as we continue to deepen our understanding as we advocate for the most vulnerable in Africa. November also saw us hold a special celebration to welcome home returned volunteers Stephen and Busie Jones as they returned to Australia after 11 and 19 years respectively with Hands at Work in Africa and as they now spend this new season in Australia.
We are so grateful to each one of you who has given so generously throughout 2022, and for your faithfulness in praying and advocating for children, families and Care Workers you know by name. We are also so thankful for the growth we have seen this year in existing partnerships, and for the new partners who have committed to support children and communities heading into 2023 and beyond. Gods richest blessings to you and your family and trusting you had a wonderful Christmas season.
To read highlights from the full 2022 Annual Report please read the attachment or click here

Rachel McLaughlin and Melissa Warren, on behalf of the Hands at Work Australia Team