Impact of your donations in 2011

Ever wonder who your donations impact and the effects in the community? In 2011, Hands Canada, because of donor support to the Arise and Build Campaign, has been able to support children in 5 different communities.  Learn about the broad impact of your donations in those communities as well read a story about Lawrence, a wonderful little boy who is the 'face' of impact. 

Hands Celebration Event, Calgary November 25, 2011

In Calgary, on November 25, 2011, we are holding our 3rd Annual Hands at Work in Africa (Canada) Society Celebration Event.  Chris Wiersma, lead pastor at Westside King's Church, will speak to us of the transformative work that takes place when we engage in missional activities; transformative within the lives of those in Africa and also, within our own. Chris Dittman, a long-term volunteer with Hands at Work, will challenge and inspire you with his own life and heart transformation arising from his 2010-2011 African sojourn. We invite you to join us.