Hands on Deck Newsletter - Issue 43

Hands on Deck Newsletter - Issue 43

This issue of Hands on Deck includes the following stories: Catherine Clarkson on her trip to Malawi, Dan Waspe in Nigeria, Michelle Toms’ reflection on Holy Week in South Africa, reflections from Carolyn Snyman and Xolani Makwakwa on Holy Week at Kachele Village, a brief update on the Life Centre building that is being constructed in Chibote Community, Zambia and prayer points for Hands at Work. 

Hands on Deck - Issue 37

This issue features the following stories: A Gift from God - Catherine Clarkson, International Office Team in Swaziland - Busie Siyata-Jones, Zimbabwe - Prudence Muronzi, They Have Come! - Jackie Okindah, and Racecourse Community - Bragg Creek Community Church. Also included are prayer points for Hands at Works Global day of Prayer & Fasting for the drought crisis, and a congratulations to a few newly weds.