December 17, 2021
“A highlight for me has been the help that we receive from the Care Workers. There was a time that we were really struggling but God opened the door for the children to come to the Care Point. Being supported brings a smile to my face. It gives me hope for the next day, knowing that people love me and I’m not alone.”
- Esther is an 82-year-old grandmother living in Maposa Community, Zambia. She is staying with her husband and grandchildren, who trust in God’s provision for their lives.
December 9, 2021
“My life has changed since I started coming to the Care Point for Relationship Groups. I feel encouraged and have seen God in my challenges. I know that I am not the only one that goes through tough situations. Hearing from the other Primary Caregivers and the Care Workers encourages me.”
– A Primary Caregiver in Maposa Community, Zambia, who comes for Relationship Groups, a safe place to share her challenges with other Primary Caregivers from her community.
September 17, 2021
Care Workers and Primary Caregivers clear the land for the construction of the new Life Centre building! What a beautiful picture of what it means to work together to care for the most vulnerable children. - Maposa Community, Zambia
April 30, 2021
Some of the Care Workers in Maposa picking and harvesting their beans. Praise God for their successful harvest!
February 15, 2021
Christine, a Care Worker in Maposa Community, rejoices at the growth of maize (a staple food in Zambia) that is growing in her garden. Praise God for the rain and continue to pray for rain in areas where there has been little.
June 18, 2020
After months of not being able to meet, due to the restrictions, Care Workers across our Zambian communities began to meet again this week in their relationship groups. There was a hunger and a thirst to dive in to the Word, pray together and praise how faithful their Father has been.
The local Hands at Work team encouraged our Care Workers from Maposa a community in Zambia, with scripture and testimonies of storms they have faced and overcome with the loving support of our Father.
September 3, 2019
Maposa Community, #Zambia. Since Lucy* was four years old she has had a trusting relationship with local volunteer Care Workers. The Care Workers have shown Lucy the love of her Heavenly Father + she knows that she can come to them with her struggles.
August 18, 2017
This week a team from the Forge church, UK participated in a kids camp alongside the Regional Support Team in Zambia. Children from Maposa Community came together to play games, read scripture and grow deeper in their understanding of Christ's love for them.
100 of the most vulnerable children in Maposa receive a daily meal, access to education and access to basic health care.
For many of the children in Maposa, the food that they receive at the Care Point is the only meal that they will receive that day.
A Primary Caregiver standing with the food that she has harvested.