Meanwhile in Africa... The Stories We Hear

Sometimes the stories we want to hear the least, are the stories we need to hear the most. Sometimes the stories that disrupt our lives, our comfort zones, our selfishness, our justification and our arguments about why we aren’t  already engaged, creates a crisis to us. You see, when we hear them at the most unexpected times, we are vulnerable and defenceless.

Meanwhile in Africa... Prisoners of Hope

In Oshoek, we went to one of our Care Points. And there I met a girl, twelve-years-old, whom I stayed with more than two and half years ago with her mom, her two brothers. And I was deeply taken that night, even in the midst of deep poverty, how a mom was caring for her and protecting her. When I met her on Friday, my heart was absolutely broken.

Meanwhile in Africa... Good Father

We all know that song 'You're a Good Good Father, so well. Such beautiful words. I love to sing that. But, recently when I was in a Democratic Republic of the Congo, deep in the mountains with a young girl called Vumi, whose father wanted to sell her, whose mother and siblings were killed in front of her. I wondered, "How do I explain to Vumi if she listened to me seeing the song You're a Good Good Father?"