The Gift: Gogo Belita's Story (7 MINUTES)

2021 was like a terrible storm for our most vulnerable families in Africa. We know that the pandemic and climate disasters hit people everywhere, but while people elsewhere are dreaming about recovery and the future, many of our families and communities here are only thinking about survival for today. The reality now is hunger and loss of hope and an education system that has been knocked back 20 years.
— Busie Sityatha-Jones


A Glimpse into Gogo Belita's Story (5 MINUTEs)

....Ten of Belita’s children and her husband passed away due to various sicknesses and accidents that are all too common in Zambia. It was an impossible burden to work through the grief in her life and soon Belita found herself sick and eventually in a crisis, spending days in bed and unable to move. Not long after, she became responsible for her two young grandchildren.