Healing the inner wounds of the most vulnerable children

Siyathuthuka, South Africa

One day Wandile was playing out­side in his community of Mafwam­bisa when he cut his foot badly on a broken bottle. His mother, Siphiwe has serious health issues and was not able to leave the house and take him to a clinic. She found some glue and tried to glue Wandile’s wound shut. For Wandile, 7, his sister Lungile, 12, and their brother Philane, 2, this story is one of many where they were in need of an adult who could properly care for them.

In South Africa, Hands at Work supports Community Based Organisations (CBO’s) such as Siyathuthuka CBO in Mafwambisa. Here, members of the local churches are volunteering to care for the most vulnerable children. Telma is one of these Care Workers. She has been visiting Wandile’s family since 2008 when their father died. Telma visits the family at home to ensure Siphiwe has taken her treatment. Lungile fears that without Telma, their mother may die also.

The children used to stay at home alone, trying to help their mother. Now, they are able to attend the Care Point at Siyathuthuka CBO. It was here that a Care Worker noticed Wandile’s infected foot and began cleaning the wound each day with salt water until it healed fully. The Care Point is also where the children can receive help with their homework each day. Lungile is in grade 7 and Wandile is in grade 2. Lungile says her favourite subject is English and she loves to practise speaking it. She also says one of her favourite memories is the day Thandy, a Care Worker, taught the girls traditional dancing at the Care Point.

 Each week, Hands at Work trainers visit Siyathuthuka to equip the local Care Workers. These local Care Workers are not only healing the physical wounds like Wandile’s foot, they are healing the inner wounds of the most vulnerable children. Wandile, Lungile and Philane were in danger of growing up with serious scars – both physical and emotional, but now they are able to be children and have peace knowing that they are surrounded by many mothers who love them.

Archange’s Story: Kitabataba, DR Congo

My name is Archange and I live in Kitabataba in the Democratic Republic of Congo.  By the time I was five years old both of my parents had died.  I was sent to live in many homes but no one wanted to take care of me.  Everyone where I live is very poor and they do not have the money to feed another mouth.  Eventually my grandparents said I could live with them.  I was grateful they took me in but I was also really angry because for so many years no one wanted me.  I was always just a burden, not someone’s son.  Maybe my grandparents really loved me, but by this point I was so angry with everyone that I misbehaved a lot.  They said I was very rebellious.

One day some adults came to my grandparents’ house.  They were going through our community looking for children who needed help and they found me.  When they heard that I was a naughty boy who had no parents they said they would take care of me.  I would still live with my grandparents but they would come and visit me.  And they do.  They are Care Workers from Nyota Care Point, but to me they are my new mothers and fathers.  When they visit we talk – we have talked about my behaviour and how I can grow up to be a nicer boy.  They talk to me about God and how he loves me.  I have been going to church and am on my church choir team.

Now I also get to eat with other children at the Care Point.  We play together and I like getting to meet and know new friends.  You would probably say I am a happy boy now, I smile a lot more.  In this picture I am wearing my new school uniform!  I am in grade 6 at Kitabataba Community School and I love school.  I wish my parents were still alive but I thank God I have my grandparents and my new mothers and fathers.  They really love me. 

One small church in UK: they saw, they told others and together they became a part of healing in Africa

When Iain and Martin touched down on African soil in February 2013, it was to be the start of something special for them personally, and for their church back in the UK. Long term volunteers, Dan and Jen Waspe invited Iain and Martin to come and see for themselves what is happening through Hands at Work in Africa.  Iain is the pastor, and Martin a church member from Dan’s childhood church, Battisford Free Church. Iain and Martin were keen to find out more about what Hands at Work is doing in Africa and to explore how they could be part of God’s story of transformation in a broken community. They wanted to challenge their church in the UK, to give sacrificially to more than just an organisation; they wanted to have a personal connection to their giving. Iain and Martin could see the privilege of their church becoming true partners with Hands at Work.

In the 2 weeks that Iain and Martin spent in South Africa, they were exposed to true brokenness and suffering. They saw for themselves just how devastated many communities are and how the orphan crisis continues to sweep across Africa. They saw vulnerability in its most severe form. Iain and Martin also experienced the beauty, vibrancy, richness and joy of Africa. They served alongside both local African people and volunteers from Hands at Work. They became part of the Hands family.

Without Condition

Ashley Humphreys, is a volunteer from Canada and has been serving with Hands at Work in South Africa and Zambia since May 2012. She reflects on her time in Africa and a recent encounter with a special Care Worker, Jean.


When I came to volunteer in Africa, I said I was coming to give.  Give my time, my passion, my resources.  Soon after arriving, I realized I wasn’t very good at giving at all.  I came into living in a community of people from all over the world and learned that at Hands at Work, we live as a family.  We live by the core values of servanthood and giving freely.  Freely.  Not conditionally.  It didn’t take me long to realize I lived by giving conditionally.  Maybe it’s because I grew up in a first world country.  Maybe it’s because deep in my heart there is a selfish girl who doesn’t want to share, who wants things to be about her sometimes, who wants people to recognize when she does something well.  I saw this ugly side of myself in little things.  Someone would ask to borrow my milk and I’d say yes but I’d think, “Now I’m going to run out and I can’t get to the grocery store for a week! They should really be more organized.”  I hated myself for thinking that way.  Why couldn’t I just let it go? Why couldn’t I give and be happy my family member knew I was someone they could ask?  Why didn’t it feel like a privilege to give to my brothers and sisters?  I started praying God would help me give freely – give without condition, give to glorify Him, give because His word says “Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Cor 9: 7)

When I came to volunteer in Africa, I said I was coming to give. Give my time, my passion, my resources. Soon after arriving, I realized I wasn’t very good at giving at all. I came into living in a community of people from all over the world and learned that at Hands at Work...we live by the core values of servanthood and giving freely. Freely—not conditionally.
— Ashley Humphreys, volunteer from Calgary, Canada

In Zambia I met Jean, a Care Worker at Chibuli Community Based Organization.  I was honoured to walk with her through the community and go on home visits with her.  The children we visited would cuddle up to her as we sat outside.  She would wrap her arms around them, all of them children who have been orphaned and are living with aging grandparents.  We walked so far through the tall grass and huts of Chibuli to get to four homes, something Jean is used to doing every week.  On the long walk back to the Care Centre after our visits, Jean started talking to me about how to be a Care Worker, it was like she was training me for my future as one.She said, “It was hard at first, giving to the children.  When I started it was really hard.  But, it gets easier!  I’ve been a Care Worker for 3 years.  I just kept doing it and it got easier.  Now there are children in my home all the time.  I have my 3 children, but I have many more.  I tell all the children to come to my house and I will bathe them.  And feed them.  I say ‘bring your clothes!’  So they come, they bring their clothes, I wash their clothes and I wash their bodies and I give them food.”  She said it with joy and with love. 

God spoke right through Jean to me: Giving gets easier. I can give with my heart like Jean does.  Not today, but maybe one day.  It’s a strange thing, to think of practising giving. But it’s exactly what we can do as we seek out God and grow in our understanding of who Jesus truly is.  As I have tried to answer God’s call to care for and love others, He has shown me how to give without condition.  After a year of volunteering in Africa and praying about giving, it is a little bit easier.  I still have lots of moments where I see my hard heart, but I have more where I feel the love of God come through me.  We all have walls around our hearts, and ideas in our heads that make us second guess giving freely.  We have to keep fighting through.  Keep praying and asking God to radically transform us so we build His Kingdom in everything we do.

The loving care of Sekani has inspired a radical change in Maonde Community

No one knows how old Sekani is, but many guess he is around 30.  It seems for decades he has spent his days sitting alone on the road outside his home in the community of Maonde, Malawi.  His mother is a poor farmer who became an alcoholic – a desperate attempt to cope with the stress of her poverty.  This resulted in Sekani being born severely disabled. He can hardly speak, and he cannot walk.  This tragedy is made even worse through the rejection he has felt: most days receiving no food, never having gone to school, and never having known a father or mother who lovingly supported him.

In 2011 Royie Nazombe, head of the Hands at Work Service Centre in Malawi, began mobilising the local church in Maonde and training volunteers from those local churches to be Care Workers, looking out for the most vulnerable people in their community. These churches and volunteers founded the Chisomo Community Based Organisation (CBO) in Maonde. Most people in Maonde have always passed by Sekani without a second glance. But Mlangani, one of the local volunteer Care Workers, took notice of him. Mlangani says, “He needed a new standard of life.  I couldn’t just watch people walk by him anymore”.  Mlangani stepped in to love and care for Sekani not only as a Care Worker, but as a friend, bringing food and clothes, and bathing Sekani daily.  The most radical change has been the involvement of the community in Sekani’s life. Mlangani’s relationship with Sekani has inspired the people of Maonde and has encouraged many to bring light into Sekani’s situation. Sekani had always lived in a tiny shack (see photo at left) with his mother, in which they would have to huddle at night just to sleep. A group of young Care Workers finally realised that this was an unacceptable situation. These young people, themselves very poor, pooled whatever they had and helped to construct a decent two-roomed house for Sekani and his mother (see photo at right).

No longer is Sekani forgotten and passed by with indifference.  Mlangani and many other Care Workers are bringing a change that gives hope for the future of Malawi. This is the church in action! The Dedza Service Centre has a team of volunteers working to support Chisomo and other CBO’s with the vision of bringing transformation to the vulnerable across the entire country.  And as this team looks to care for a nation, each day Mlangani will visit Sekani, ensuring one by one the vulnerable are loved and cared for.

* name has been changed

Thabo says he can cope, knowing it is never too long until Sara will visit


Thabo did not go to school until he was 11 years old.  For years, he spent his days wandering around the community of Oshoek.  No one cared if Thabo or his brother Mpho went to school, or took a bath, or had any food.  Thabo was trapped in the small, one-room stick and mud house he was born in with an abusive mother and a father who is mentally impaired, often out wandering through the woods. Thabo lived with four people, sleeping on the cold, wet floor every night, often experiencing neglect, but God intervened.

God called Sara to find Thabo.  Sara is a local Care Worker who is part of a group of volunteers from local churches who care for the most vulnerable children.  While doing home visits through Bambanani Community Based Organisation in 2011, Sara noticed Thabo sitting alone and wondered why a boy his age was not at school in the middle of the day.  As she talked to him she heard the story of a child who had never seen the inside of a classroom, never knew when his next meal would be, and was in desperate need of an adult in his life who would love and care for him.  Sara took Thabo into her heart and her life.  She talked to Thabo’s mother who agreed to let him and Mpho enrol in school. 

Today, Thabo is 12 and in Grade Four.  Sara is his second mother who visits him at home and cares for him.  She ensures he takes a bath and goes to school.  Though he still faces the challenge of living in the midst of an unstable family, he says he can cope, knowing it is never too long until Sara will visit.  He loves school and says one day he wants to work for, as he calls it, the “Fire Emergency Fighting Company”!  This young boy, who once felt abandoned, is now living a story of restoration and gradually healing from his trauma.

* name has been changed

The Ndlovu Family

In this one roomed home lives the Ndlovu family.  Handzu is 19, in Grade 11 and has a 2 year old child.  Thabiso (pictured) is 17 and in Grade 11.  Sam (also pictured) is 13.  They live here with their mother, Christina, who has been head of the family since the death of her husband, and the children’s father, in 2000.  Christina has an illness that affects the use of her legs and she can no longer work, forcing the family to try and survive on one government grant of approximately 35 USD per month.  They are also forced to walk long distances to get water due to the water shortage crisis in the community of Welverdiend, South Africa.  When Pfunani Community Based Organization (CBO) identified this family as one of the most vulnerable in 2011, the children were hardly sleeping or eating. 

Over the past year, Angel has become a part of the Ndlovu family.  She is a Care Worker from Pfunani CBO who volunteers to love and care for the most vulnerable children in Welverdiend.  Since Angel began providing home visits to this family of five, there has been a change in the children.  By ensuring the children are receiving the 3 Essential Services of food security, basic education, and basic health care, she has seen them go from being tired, hungry and anxious children, to a healthier family who wants to build a relationship with her.  They share their challenges with Angel and she, supported by Pfunani CBO, does whatever she can to help.  Most importantly, she is a mother to the children when their own mother is unwell, and a friend to Christina who knows there is someone looking out for her children.

A Community Caring

Solofina, age 14, is a single orphan in Grade 4 at Malokota Community School.  She stays with her father in Malokota, Zambia

Ten years ago, in this small bush community, her family's life was forever changed.  At the age of four, Solofina and her three siblings lost their mother.  At that time, the children were unable to go to school as their father was not able to pay for their education.  The close-knit community of Malokota saw a need and took it upon themselves to adopt the whole family. 

Malokota Community Based Organization (CBO) is helping Solofina attend school by paying for her school fees, books, and uniform.  She also receives a nutritious meal each day at the feeding point.  At school, Solofina loves to draw and play netball with her friends. She especially enjoys English class.  According to her teacher, Japhet, Solofina is a good student and has many friends.  When Solofina grows up, she would like to be a doctor so that she may help those who are sick.

Solofina would like to give thanks to those who are supporting her, enabling her to get an education, and nourishing her not only physically and mentally, but also emotionally and spiritually. 

There is Hope

In the community of Share, South Africa, Ruth has been visiting Mike, Tholiwe and Risuna since 2010 when their mother became very sick.  Ruth is a Care Worker at Nhluvuko Community Based Organization (CBO) and has been caring for these extremely vulnerable children for over 2 years now.  In 2011, their mother passed away.  Mike, 15, Tholiwe, 10, and Risuna, 4, did not know their father.  Without Ruth, they would have been left with only their grandmother, who does not live with them and does not care for them. 

But there is hope.  Although they live alone now, the home visits provided by Ruth have given these children a mother who knows each of their names and their situations.  Ruth ensures all three children are going to school each day.  As the head of his household, she has taught Mike to care for and clean the home. 

Through the 3 Essential Services program, Ruth and Nhluvuko CBO have provided this family with a hot meal afterschool each day, school uniforms, a door and window frame for their home, and a mattress.  Ruth has built a very strong relationship with these children and they love and trust her as their mother.

40 Days of Prayer 2013

Prayer for Africa’s Orphaned
Play your part to bring hope

February 20th to Sunday March 31st

Join our worldwide community as we pray together for 40 days and 40 prayer points.  As the international Hands at Work family, we will pray for the vulnerable children of Africa and ask God to reveal His heart for the poorest of the poor. Through each prayer point, we will ask God to remind us of not only the external challenges our children face, but the inner wounds that they live with every day.  As we ask Him to heal their wounds, we pray He will break our hearts. We know that as we seek God in serving the most vulnerable, we will be blessed with a fresh understanding of His heart. 

Download the 40 Days 2013 Prayer Guide and join our 40 Days 2013 online event
Join us and unite in global prayer to be a voice for the voiceless.

Meet Rimos

Rimos is a young boy living a difficult life.  He is 13 years old and lives with 11 other people in a two room house in the community of Mulenga, Zambia.  In 2003, he was living in Lusaka when both of his parents died.  He had to move 3.5 hours away to Mulenga where he now lives with his grandparents, his 4 other siblings, and 5 nieces and nephews. 

The passing of both of his parents in the same year, and the turmoil of having to move to a new place right away, has left Rimos with very deep inner wounds.  His elderly grandparents are unable to understand how to support him emotionally, and he is therefore more often neglected than cared for.  Surrounded by a family of people fighting for themselves each day just to survive, Rimos became just one of many and began walking his community in search of food and money by himself. 

When Mulenga Community Based Organization (CBO) met Rimos, they could see right away that he was one of the most vulnerable children in Mulenga.  On the surface, Rimos’ clothes all have holes in them.  As they got to know Rimos, Mulenga CBO Care Workers saw the many inner wounds that cause him to live in a state of sadness.  Thankfully, Mulenga CBO Care Workers have received Walking with Wounded Children training.  This allows them to be in a better position to journey with a suffering child like Rimos and help him uncover and process his wounds.

Rimos’ Care Worker is Kennedy.  Kennedy is not only walking with Rimos emotionally, but he is ensuring Rimos is healthy and has an education.  Through the 3 Essential Services (3ES) program at Mulenga CBO, Rimos has access to basic health care, one nutritious meal a day, and free education.  Rimos is enrolled at Mulenga Community School where he is in Grade 2.  Through the grace of God, Rimos is no longer a lost boy wandering the streets of Mulenga.  He has a father, Kennedy, and a whole family at Mulenga CBO who visits him in his home, who love him, and who know his name.

George in Canada

Hands at Work in Africa founder George Snyman will be visiting Canada this month. Below, please find events in western Canada where George will be speaking, sharing the vision of Hands at Work as well as recent developments and stories from the ground level in Africa.  Here is where you can meet and hear George:

Saturday, January 19th, 2013

6:00 pm

Parksville Fellowship Baptist Church

550 Pym Street

Parksville, B.C.


Friday, January 25th, 2013

Vancouver Missions Fest

George is speaking at 1:30 pm in Room 13

Vancouver Convention Centre

1055 Canada Place

Vancouver, B.C.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

10:00 am

Bragg Creek Community Church at the Bragg Creek Community Centre

23 White Avenue

Bragg Creek, Alberta (approximately 30 kms west of Calgary)




He Will Give You the Desires of Your Heart (SA)

Anna “Oumie” Snyman is a true blessing from God to the Hands at Work Family.  She is the mother of our Founder and CEO, George Snyman, and now lives at the Hands at Work HUB in South Africa where her gift of intercession calls God into the lives of all volunteers, Care Workers, and vulnerable children.  Though Oumie prays for all our countries from South Africa, the entire Hands family rejoiced when she recently had the opportunity to travel to Zambia.  We knew it would be special for the Hands Family there to be blessed with her presence, and as she describes her journey, we see God used her as a great encouragement.

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart - Psalm 37:4

“I couldn’t believe I was going.  I mentioned it and three days later, I was going!” Oumie said God gave her one of the greatest desires of her heart when he made a way for her to go to Zambia recently.  Psalm 37 had always been her favourite and she felt so blessed to see the Lord’s word in action.

Having never been to Zambia before, the whole journey was an unexpected adventure.  Describing the ferry she took to cross the Zambezi River she said, “As far as I’m concerned, a ‘ferry’ is a small boat.  This ferry had trucks right on it! I seriously considered hitchhiking”.  She saw beautiful sunsets and was blessed with her first visit to Victoria Falls where she was amazed by the size and sounds of the incredible waterfall.

In Zambia, James Tembo, Zambia RST Coordinator, walked with Oumie in the community of Zimba.  She was touched by a group of local people who were building a house all on their own.  She was also blessed by two people she knew only through her son George, and on this trip got to meet: Hilda and Charity. 

Ten years ago, as George walked across Africa, he came across a lady who took him in to her church where the congregation prayed for him and prayed that he would go out and tell others about Africa.  This lady’s name was Hilda.  George never saw her again until a few years ago when he was in Zambia for the Hands at Work celebration.  George was in Zimba, walking through the village, when he saw Hilda!  He brought her to celebrations and she has since been a Care Worker at Zimba CBO. 

One year ago, George came home from Zambia with a photo of a three year old girl named Charity.  She looked like she was only one years old and George knew she was close to death.  She was neglected by her family and her Gogo could not care for her properly.  As a family, the Snyman’s began giving extra to her; Oumie sent clothes and sweets with others travelling to Zambia, just for Charity.  And Oumie prayed for Charity.

On this trip, Oumie met Hilda when she went on Home Visits with James.  When they arrived at the Community School, Oumie met Charity.  “She was healthier, she was laughing.  Now she looks four years old!” Oumie said, “Hilda is a lady of God who has adopted her and cares for her so much.” Charity immediately connected with Oumie and made sure everyone knew Oumie was her friend.  When Charity’s brother came to meet Oumie, Charity became jealous and sent him away!  Oumie was so thankful that Charity looked so well, that their family had been blessed to be involved in this young girl’s life.  Oumie saw the transformation Zimba CBO is making in the lives of vulnerable children.  She saw how wonderful the Community School is and how the children have a safe place to go each day and be fed and be filled with joy. 

As the Gogo of the Hands at Work family, it was special for everyone to know Oumie was going to Zambia.  The HUB in South Africa felt connected to our Zambian family knowing she was going to be with them and encourage them.  While visiting, Levy took Oumie to see where he was born and where he met George – events in God’s perfect plan that shaped Hands at Work.  After this inspiring trip, Oumie said she fully trusts God with her next desire, “Next trip – Nigeria? Who knows!”

I Was a Stranger (SA)

Assa and her brother Gabito at the Care Centre in Welverdiend, Bushbuck RidgeAssa and her cousin Gabito were born twelve years ago in Mozam­bique. They travelled together with their mothers (who were sisters) from Mozambique in 2010. When they first arrived in Welverdiend, Assa, Gabito and their mothers stayed with their eldest aunt. After only a short time, this aunt chased them away because her husband was complaining that he did not have the resources to feed them and look after them. At this same difficult time, Gabito’s mother passed away leaving Assa’s mother to look after both of them. With no home or money (being from Mozambique and not having a South African ID and Assa’s mother not being able to get consistent work) the family desperately searched for a place to live. Thankfully, someone from the community offered them a temporary house built by the government and to this day, Assa, her mother and Gabito continue to live in this house. But with temporary housing comes the continual fear that the original owner of the house will return and kick them out, leaving them homeless—a very likely event in a poor and despairing com­munity such as theirs.

But things are not all hopeless for this precious family. Last year, Nomsa a Care Worker for the local Hands at Work partnered Community Based Organisation, Pfunani, heard about their situation and began to visit them at their home every week. She encouraged them to go to school and helped them with their house chores, especially when Assa’s mom was away working at the local orange farm. She also took time to encourage Assa’s mom and urge her not give up even though life is very hard.

In order to lighten the burden even more for their family and other families like theirs in Welverdiend community, Pfu­nani Care Workers cook five nutritious meals per week for the most vulnerable children at the Care Point. Assa and Gabito enjoy playing with the other chil­dren in similar situations as them at the Care Point. Pfunani Community Based Organisation has also helped the family by providing them with blankets and a mattress during the cold winter months. This was a huge blessing because their home lacked these basic items.

For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home.”   Matthew 25:35

Small Things, with Great Love (UK)

‘What are we doing here?!’ This is the question my husband and I wondered as we arrived at the Hands village in South Africa, back in September 2011.  God had made it clear we were to leave the UK and be part of the Hands family for a year or more but, we had no clue what that looked like in practice.  As it turns out, there are a hundred reasons why God has us in Africa volunteering with Hands at Work, some we are still yet to discover. 

Most importantly, we’veBeth & Ali with David and Judith CBO co-ordinator in Balaka. had the chance to meet the unsung heroes of our world, the ones who really deserve to be acknowledged and their stories spread across the globe.  We’ve been so blessed to spend time walking with care workers in South African communities and living for over nine months in Zambia, working with a local team serving ten communities.  It has been incredible to learn about these places – to see their beauty, experience their struggles and watch how places are slowly being transforming through the work of community based organisations.

Being part of Hands has also given us the chance to learn about other cultures. We’ve spent time living together with people from many different nations and backgrounds. It’s been a real opportunity to shape our own characters and build into other people as well. While living with others we’ve witnessed what it means to truly share and give freely of what you have. In all this we’ve tried to encourage, be a listening ear and serve those around us.

It would be fair to say it’s been a roller coaster of a year which has tested our faith in God and our relationship as a couple. There have been frustrations and struggles – power cuts, seemingly pointless hours of waiting and difficulties with learning a new language to name a few. However, it’s been a joy to become part of the Hands family, knowing that all we do is for the body of Christ and to play a small role in caring for the most vulnerable children in Africa. We’ve certainly had a glimpse of what Paul meant when he said in the book of Philippians, I have learned the secret of being happy at any time in everything that happens, when I have enough to eat and when I go hungry, when I have more than I need and when I do not have enough. I can do all things through Christ, because he gives me strength.”  We have learnt life changing lessons which will make a difference to our future relationships, jobs and to the whole way we live.

I could give numerous ways how God uses volunteers in Hands at Work; to encourage a care worker to keep going, to pray for the sick, to teach people computer skills, to share stories of those whose lives have been changed, to sweep the floor of a grandmother’s home, to be a brother or sister to those around you, to cook for those who have less...the list goes on.  Most importantly, you have to start every day being humble and open to do the simplest, smallest acts of kindness. By doing this, you play a valuable role in Hands at Work.  As Mother Teresa said, “What I do you cannot do; but what you do, I can not do. The needs are great, and none of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.”

Going back to live in the UK again will take some adjustment but we now know we have a family all over the world; standing with us through anything, striving together to bring heaven a little closer to Earth.

 Beth with children in Susu

Beth and Ali with the Kabwe team when Zambia won the Africa cup!

Teams in Action

Hands at Work in Africa believes something powerful happens when people in a comfortable and conveient society choose to discomfort themselves in order to serve the poor in another part of the world. Friends and family from across the globe visited Hands at Work in Africa this year to learn, serve, encourage and participate in God’s transformation of Africa.

Check out these teams in action!