As Christians we need to join families in their survival. But it’s not enough to survive. Christ came on this earth to give the gift of abundant life. We must do the same. Families are so vulnerable that they can barely survive when storms come. This needs to change. They have to be equipped to stand. This is the gift we must give.
— Busie Sityatha-Jones, Hands at Work African Leader

This Christmas Join with Us IN GIVING THE GIFT OF HOPE



The Gift of Hope

Meet Gogo Belita and her grandchildren Exhildah and Mary

“We have so many children and grandparents and communities that today are still vulnerable to any storm that will come. We must build up their strength to stand. We cannot do it alone.
It will take the global church, the full body of Christ to work together. The church outside our communities must join us in our rebuilding.” 
- Busie Sityatha-Jones, Hands at Work African Leader



Hope in the midst of our vulnerability

George Snyman, co-founder of Hands at Work

“In Psalm 40 verse 1 and 2, David spoke these beautiful words, ‘I waited patiently on the Lord, then He turned to me and He heard my cry. He picked me up out of the miry pit and He placed my feet on the rock. He placed me on steady ground.’ Isn’t that just the most beautiful picture of how we depend on God and how we can cry out to Him and how He reaches out to us in the state of vulnerability and yet we also know that that picture is exactly the picture about us as the sons and the daughters of our Father.” 



This Christmas, download our Christmas Advent calendar to share with your family, Sunday school group or young people in your life. Together, in creative ways, you will experience what the gift of hope can look like in your life, your community and in the lives of the most vulnerable across Africa as we count down to the birth of Christ, our ultimate gift of hope. 


christmas cards

Help us give the gift of hope this Christmas by sharing the Hands at Work Christmas cards with your friends and family. Using our easy-to-follow instructions, you can either print the cards at home or send the design to your local printer.


Small GROUP resources

Gather together with a group of friends or your regular small group to explore the gift of hope. These small group materials are designed to help facilitate conversation around the most vulnerable in Africa, those who care for them, and our response as Hands at Work. 


Illuminate – Our Advent Podcast 

This Christmas, we invite you to learn more about what the gift of hope looks like in the lives of four different Primary Caregivers and their families living in some of the most vulnerable communities across Africa.

Join Us for Hands at Work's Advent Podcast Series

Hear a new message every Sunday from the 28th of November.


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A Christmas sermon from George

A message of hope from George Snyman for you to share with your church and family this Christmas Season. 


Pray with us every week

This Advent, join us by following the Hands at Work prayer app where, every Friday, we will be sharing prayer requests on behalf of the most vulnerable Primary Caregivers and their families across Africa. 


Join Us in Giving the Gift of Hope this Christmas Season

“This has been a hard year for me, and for everyone. And yes, we gave a gift to Belita. But what is happening in her life is also a gift to me. It has given me the gift of hope, because her life shows me that God is still working, even in the storms of our lives. He has not forgotten us and He is with us.” - Sylvia Chinyanta, Hands at Work African Volunteer

To ensure that women like Gogo Belita and her children receive the Gift of Hope…