Areas in Malawi being impacted by Hands at Work
The people in Malawi face different trials in overcoming the social and physical poverty plaguing the country. While Malawi is a largely agricultural country and has made efforts to overcome decades of underdevelopment, food supply is inconsistent as the country is prone to natural disasters of both extremes – from heavy rainfalls to drought. Four or five small cities exist among large poor rural areas. In 2008, Hands at Work began serving in the community of Mngwere after being connected with a local pastor there, Royie Nazombe, through a church connection in South Africa. Mngwere is isolated and vulnerable, and when Royie and his wife Violet heard the Hands at Work vision from Levy Mwenda (African leader, Zambia) about seeing the global church unite as Christ’s body to care for their community’s most vulnerable children, they grasped it immediately.
Royie and Violet committed to mobilise and organise compassionate local volunteers with a heart to care for the poorest of the poor. Eventually, Royie, Violet and their team of Care Workers developed Mngwere into a model of community ownership where local churches were able to feed and educate 85 children with their own resources. Since then, Hands at Work’s ministry in Malawi has continued to grow. Today, Hands at Work is serving in seven communities surrounding the Dedza area and together with the Care Workers and church leaders, they are seeking out the most vulnerable children and giving their lives to loving those who many disregard
As the local church is mobilised in each community to unite and reach out to the most vulnerable, Hands at Work equips them to provide physical, emotional and spiritual support to the children and families they serve. Children are supported through the daily provision of Hands at Work's three essential services of food, education and basic health care provided at Life Centres within their community. Through regular visits to their homes, bible teaching and prayer, children come to know that they are loved by Christ and those who care for them.
Population: 23, 045, 760
Percentage of people living in extreme poverty: 73%
Number of children (0 to 14) living with HIV/AIDS: 50, 000
Number of children (0 to 17) who have been orphaned due to HIV/AIDS: 440, 000
Life Expectancy: 67 (F) | 60 (M)
Country Rating (out of 187) the Human Development Index: 172
– Sources: UNAID, UNDP, World Poverty Clock