Help build walls of protection around Africa's most vulnerable children. Become an Arise+Build Advocate and partner with a COMMUNITY to bring hope and healing.

Therefore, we His servants will arise and build.
— Nehemiah 2:20

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Why should I care about orphaned children and widows?

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Read about others who are committed to making a difference where they are.

You can make an impact wherever you are


Isaiah 1:17 says: "Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of the orphaned. Fight for the rights of the widowed." Choosing to advocate is choosing to follow the call for Christians as laid out in Isaiah 1:17. Hands at Work stands with the Church around the world in encouraging one another to take the rightful role as defender and helper of the oppressed, orphaned and widowed.

If you have a desire to advocate we encourage you to pray and seek God while reading through the resources you find linked on this page. Perhaps you feel led to intercede with us in prayer, or to bring stories of transformation to your friends and family, raise support for the most vulnerable families and communities in Africa, or to bring awareness to your church or community group. You can advocate through Social Media, by showing Hands at Work videos, listening and sharing our podcasts, or invite a Hands at Work speaker to visit your church or community group. Learn more about Hands At Work, Christian Ministry in Africa.