Day 18 - Pray for the Church within the DRC (#40Days2025)

Day 18 - Pray for the Church within the DRC

Hands at Work envisions the local church in Africa effectively caring for the orphaned, the widowed and the dying in partnership with the International Church. Today we invite you to join us in praying for the local church in the DRC:

• “Pray that we have the commitment of pastors and their participation in our activities in order to better prepare for the graduation of our communities. Pray for the pastors that they can take community responsibility according to the biblical recommendation.

• We must pray for the pastors so that they can understand the vision and mission of Hands at Work in order to play their role well as a church.” – Francis, Service Centre* Member (DRC)

• Pray for the church in Goma, that in the midst of pain and chaos, they will be a place of peace and safety.

To learn more about the Democratic Republic of Congo, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit:

Day 17 - Welcome to the Democratic Republic of Congo (#40Days2025)

Day 17 - Welcome to the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo is one of eight countries that Hands at Work is serving in across Africa. The Democratic Republic of Congo has a population of 98,363,340 people, with 72% of the population living in extreme poverty. Ranking 180 out of 187 on the Human Development Index, 50,000 children are living with HIV/AIDS and 450,000 children have been orphaned because of this life-threatening illness. – Sources: UNAID, UNDP, World Poverty Clock

Within the Democratic Republic of Congo, Hands at Work is serving in two areas: Likasi and Goma. For decades, the DRC has been plagued by war, particularly in the north-eastern province around the city of Goma. Hands at Work has been serving in communities devastated by this unrest since 2006. The area surrounding Goma continues to experience the constant threat of rebel attacks and war. This escalating instability around Goma is highlighting the reality that families in the DRC face. They are fighting for their daily survival. Throughout the week, we want to pray and intercede for the area of Goma, which is in massive crisis. However, as the situation is ever-changing, we invite you to follow this link to our crisis page (, where we will be posting regular, up-to-date prayer points. As such, please join us in praying for the country of the Democratic Republic of Congo as a whole:

• “Pray for security of people and their things as conflicts among tribes, thieves and bandits break, steal and destroy people’s stuff, day and night, which is the cause of the insecurity.

• Pray for safety of the environment as many people are exposed to the dirt and mosquitoes, which cause many diseases like malaria, typhoid, cholera and measles.

• Pray for the government to be able to provide employment to those who are in need so the population can afford to live normal life as the cost of living is so high and makes tough life of people.” – Angel, Service Centre* Coordinator (DRC)

• Pray for peace to reign in Goma and that God will make a way for His people.

To learn more about the DRC, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit:

Sunday Reflections (#40Days2025)

Ritha (Regional Support Team) reflects on the role of the International Church and the Local Church working together to care for the most vulnerable:

“The International Church, they are really playing a big role in encouraging the work that we are doing. Sharing their stories which are so encouraging that we are one despite having different cultures. Together with the Local Church reminding each other on their mandate as Christians. It also encourages the communities seeing the International Church and the Local Church walking together doing Holy Home Visits and giving hope to the hopeless. For example, Clinton and Greg from the Australian church coming on the ground to do church mobilising and sit together with pastors to encourage one another on how to care for the vulnerable people in the communities. The International Church coming and serving together with the Local Church to encourage the Care Workers and help to care for the children, it really impacts their lives.”

Day 16 – Pray for Our Children in Mozambique (#40Days2025)

Day 16 – Pray for Our Children in Mozambique

Within Mozambique, there are 565 children being loved and cared for. The Chimoio Service Centre invites you to pray for the children in their region:

• “Pray for children, that they will be able to learn from their parents’ mistakes and that they have the zeal for a different lifestyle” – Audette, Regional Support Team Leader (Mozambique)

• Pray for our children who are being assisted by Hands at Work; that they can have a better future and that the effort is not wasted.

• Pray for young people who abandon schools and marry before their age.” – Sozinho, Service Centre Member (Mozambique)

To learn more about Mozambique, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit:

Day 15 – Pray for Care Workers and Primary Caregivers in Mozambique (#40Days2025)

Day 15 – Pray for Care Workers and Primary Caregivers in Mozambique

In Mozambique, there are 86 Care Workers who have committed to caring for the most vulnerable children. In many communities in Mozambique and across Africa, the Care Workers are also the Primary Caregivers of the children they serve. A Primary Caregiver is the mother, father, grandparents, aunts, uncles, older siblings or other relatives who live with the children coming to the Care Point.

The Chimoio Service Centre invites you to pray for the Care Workers and Primary Caregivers in their region:

• “Pray for the Care Workers and Primary Caregivers, that they don't get tired of caring for the children and that they continue to serve with love.

• Pray for protection and that God may open doors in their lives because many are vulnerable. Pray that God can provide their needs.” – Maria, Service Centre Member (Mozambique)

To learn more about Mozambique, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit:

Day 14 – Pray for Our Communities in Mozambique (#40Days2025)

Day 14 – Pray for Our Communities in Mozambique

Within Mozambique, there are five communities being supported and cared for: Chigodole, Gobogobo, Macadeira, Matsinho A, and Matsinho B.

Today we invite you to pray for the challenges that exist across all communities:

• “One of the biggest challenges we have is that of the children in our communities, girls are married before their time. We start the year with a good number of girls, but the year ends with many married girls. Please pray into this.

• There is challenge of unity, especially in the communities of Macadeira and Gobogobo. Pray for unity.

• Many children are enrolled in school but by the end of the year, many have dropped out. Pray against this spirit of dropping out of school.

• Pray for grandparents and children, that God will continue to protect them and that they will continue to hope in the Lord and that His will and desires will be fulfilled.” – Sandra

To learn more about Mozambique, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit: