A Vintage Affair

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In May 2012, a team of 20 people from Whittlesea and Ballarat, Victoria, will head over to Zambia to support the work of Hands at Work in Africa where they will together run a camp for AIDS orphans and vulnerable children from several Hands community based schools. The team will also travel to South Africa to visit Masoyi Home Based Care and other local communities.

The team recently hosted a fundraising event evening in Ballarat called the Vintage Affair. The aim of the night was to raise awareness of the plight of Hands at Work in Africa (Australia) and support for the 2012 Victorian team.

The Vintage Affair was a success with 93 people in attendance and raised a total of $2330.

The Ballarat Courier also assisted to raise awareness of the work of Hands at Work in Africa by running a local article of the event and its purpose.