Generosity in Uncertain Times

Thank-you for your Faithful Care of the Orphaned and most Vulnerable Children we Together care for

2021 certainly proved to be another challenging year with the continuation of the coronavirus pandemic. In the 2020 report at this time last year, Shane Lepp shared “our prayer is that 2021 will be our best year yet as a Hands family, making a difference in the lives of so many!” Despite the impact of Covid 19 on how we lived, worked, learned and related, I reflect that this year has indeed been a good year. There is no denying God has been at work, His best work, producing good fruit from challenging times in our Hands family, and in doing so, making a difference in the lives of so many.

“How?”, you may ask?

In showing generosity in uncertain and fragile times, we have seen God’s faithfulness in funds being provided to care for the 1485 most vulnerable children in the 11 communities that Hands Australia care for. Additionally, funds were provided for some special Community Investment Projects and Gift Bags for all our 155 Care Workers in the communities cared for by Hands Australia. We are so grateful!  Immense thanks to all our donors, partners, advocates and supporters for this giving and provision again this year. You have enabled the delivery of the 3 Essential Services for Life- Food, Education and Basic Healthcare- to the children in these poorest communities.

In caring for others while remaining socially isolated, we benefited from the various Advocates Zoom Calls (Prayer, Bible Story, Hands on Deck). These together with the weekly updates shared on the Advocates WhatsApp group have connected us brilliantly to provide information, stories and fuel for prayer, advocacy and giving. The Advocates gathering held at Yerong Creek, NSW in March was a wonderful window of opportunity to meet together in person and a real highlight for those able to attend. (If you would like to be a part of Advocate activities, please email

In being restricted by lockdowns and border closures, the challenge to remain actively missional for churches, partners and ourselves individually has been a reality. It has provided an opportunity to move us towards maturity and wholeness in Christ. In James 1: 2-4 we read: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” We are thankful for the ongoing faithfulness and dedication of you all to Hands at Work. In the face of everything that 2021 has brought to us, it remains an incredible privilege to journey together with you all as part of the Australian Office serving the most vulnerable children and communities in Africa.

As we look to 2022, regardless of what it may hold, as a Hands family together may we encompass all before us, sure of God’s sovereignty and leadership.

May you experience blessings, joy and peace as we remember and celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, this Christmas.

Romans 15:13a “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him”

— Judy Riddell, Hands at Work in Africa Australia Board Member