Our Canadian Volunteers

In 2014 Hands at Work (Canada) Society supported 19 Canadian volunteers who served on the ground in Africa and sent 7 teams who walked alongside our local volunteers. We are so grateful for the people God continues to provide as we strive to see the Church outside of Africa fulfill the biblical mandate.

Amy Simpson was one of the international volunteers that went to take part in this transformative work. Amy arrived in South Africa in September 2013 as part of the volunteer intake. Once on the ground in Africa, she was encouraged and challenged deeply by the children and local volunteers she met and served.

Amy Simpson - CALGARY, AB

Amy Simpson - CALGARY, AB


I started my journey in Africa not having any clue about the transformations that would take place in my heart. I was able to step out of my comfort zone, get my hands dirty and jump into a culture so completely different than the one I’ve always known. In the African communities I looked into the eyes of some of the poorest people, and wrestled with the life of prosperity and abundance I know too well. Each day I walked with people who continually make sacrifices to serve these vulnerable children and from the time I landed I was part of something much bigger then myself.

Now being home, I know God didn’t call me all the way to Africa for me to come back and stay quiet. So in August I challenged my close friends and family to care for a community in Africa. My goal is to, as a group, support 50 children each month. This year I am starting a four-year degree in Journalism and Communications because I want to learn how to better communicate what I saw. While in Africa my heart was broken for the poor and vulnerable and I want to learn how to be a unique and influential voice for them.

Our Canadians Currently serving in Africa

Lisa & Brian Dalley- CALGARY, AB

Lisa & Brian Dalley

Ashley Humphreys- CALGARY, AB

Ashley Humphreys

Alicia & Tyler Ralph- VICTORIA, BC

Alicia & Tyler Ralph

Byron & Diane Chan- CALGARY, AB

Byron & Diane Chan

Devon Van Hoffen- FENWICK, ON

Devon Van Hoffen

Heather Beeke- FENWICK, ON

Heather Beeke

Kristi & Daytona Swarbrick- WHITE ROCK, BC

Kristi & Daytona Swarbrick

Marj & George Miller- PARKSVILLE, BC

Marj & George Miller

Marc Damour- CALGARY, AB

Marc Damour

Celine Letkeman- ABBOTSFORD, BC

Celine Letkeman

Morgan & Tommy Malster- CALGARY, AB

Morgan & Tommy Malster