Please Pray for Katembe

Please pray for our Care Point in Katembe. We've got one week's food left and at the moment we cannot get into Katembe and it is very difficult for those who are in Katembe to get out. It is very dangerous.

Pray for Care Workers and our Primary Caregivers who are in the refugee camps in Buhimba.  They do not have tents, water or food. Hands at Work is purchasing canvas today so they can make their own tents, and providing water. We do not have provision of food for Care Workers and Primary Caregivers within the budget, so we are trying to work that out.

Pray for our children in our own camp - that God will keep protecting them and our Care Workers. We are trying to ensure a hygienic environment in the camp.

The situation even just outside of the church is desperately unclean and is ripe for all sorts of disease. Please pray for God's protection, the health of our children and for their safety. It is a very unsafe environment right now.