Fleeing to a New Refugee Camp

At the start of the war, our people from Luhonga fled to a place called Bulengo, where there is a massive refugee camp. This is where our Primary Caregivers and Care Workers are now and where they are feeding the children.

When the war got close to the community of Katembe, the people fled to a place called Sake in late 2023. In February, everyone from the refugee camp in Sake as well as everyone who lived in Sake fled to Goma, but the Bulengo camp had no space for them so they found another open piece of land where a new refugee camp is busy forming. This is new refugee camp is called Sam-Sam. It is smaller but still houses tens of thousands of people. The most vulnerable families that we are serving and the Care Workers are among the large number of people who have fled and formed this new camp due to the M23 invasion and bombings in Sake.

We have tried to keep all of our children, their families and the Care Workers from Katembe together. Within this big piece of land of Sam-Sam, we have found one piece on the edge of the area. This is where everyone is building their temporary home (tent like shacks).

There is a small wooden house here which has been turned into a Care Point. This is where we will build a simple fence made of canvas around the house to demarcate the Care Point as a place of safety and we will dig a toilet here. This is that place where we feed the children. They receive porridge in the morning and lunch at the Care Point.