Katembe Update

We had just run out of food at the Katembe Care Point. By a complete miracle we managed get food through to the village Katembe. We just heard that Mutobe has arrived safely back with food. Mutobe is a hero! He's the man from that village that when armed men stormed the village earlier this month he refused to run so he could guard the childrens food. Today, at huge risk to himself, he travelled down the mountain through armed militia to try to collect food. On his way back he was stopped by armed men who wanted the food but he managed to get through. This was completely impossible two days ago and likely impossible tomorrow as well. An amazing answer to prayer. Thanks for praying.

Aljazeera: The cost of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s war with M23

Aljazeera: The cost of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s war with M23

The DRC’s Minister of Communications, Patrick Muyaya, on the fighting in his country and Rwanda’s role in the conflict.

Continuing fighting in the resource-rich Democratic Republic of the Congo, between the army and the Mouvement du 23 Mars, or M23, has left hundreds dead and millions displaced in the country’s eastern provinces.

The Globe and Mail: Refugees flee as M23 offensive moves closer to key city in eastern Congo

The Globe and Mail: Refugees flee as M23 offensive moves closer to key city in eastern Congo

Thousands of panicking people are fleeing from a strategic town in eastern Congo as a Rwanda-backed militia group pushes closer to sealing off the last road exit from Goma, the provincial capital and biggest city in the region.

Videos on social media showed an exodus of exhausted women and children from the town of Sake, a key crossroads west of Goma. Old people staggered under the weight of mattresses and sacks of belongings, children carried infants on their backs, farmers pulled goats and young men pushed bicycles and wooden scooters overloaded with bags.

Join Us in Prayer

Yesterday, in the mountainous region of Katembe where Hands at Work established a Life Centre in 2021 and where we are caring for 100 orphaned and vulnerable children, violence spread so close to the village that people were forced to flee on foot for their lives. Grandmothers and children are scattered down the mountain and Hands at Work are desperately searching for those who will not survive without support and care.

Please pray for the community of Katembe, for our children and their Care Givers including the very elderly and sick. Pray for our local team on the ground to locate those who had to flee. Pray for peace to reign in and around Katembe.

To learn more about the escalating crisis in Goma, please visit this trusted site:
Al Jazeera: The cost of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s war with M23

Please pray for peace and stability in the region, the protection of the most vulnerable who are caught in the crossfire, and the hearts of those engaged in the conflict to be opened to the saving grace of Jesus. If you are moved to support our ongoing work in the DRC financially, please click on the link at the bottom of this page.