Hands on Deck Newsletter - Issue 100

Hands at Work family,

This is our 100th Hands on Deck Newsletter. Isn’t that amazing? Over the last 100 newsletters, we’ve read countless stories of God’s goodness and faithfulness in amidst the challenges. Before we enter into the newsletter, praise God for His faithfulness in bringing us this far, and pray that He will continue to equipe and challenge us as we move forward.

This issue of Hands on Deck includes reflections from:

  • Ashley McKinley on her time in Eswatini 

  • Josh Snyman on his travels to Nigeria 

  • Emeldah Nanyiza and Clara Mutembo on the extended Relationship Group in Mulenga

  • Dan Waspe on Church Mobilisation in Eswatini and at the Hands Village in South Africa 

  • Jackie Okindah on her time in Nigeria and the launch of the 2024 Watchword 

  • As well as raise and Prayer Requests from Hands at Work in Africa