Hands Family in Australia

Tonight, as I watched the news in Sydney, the real devastation of the bushfires was vividly displayed in video material from survivors. For more than a week now we as a team tried to understand God’s timing why I should be here in Australia in a time like this. The majority of my time would be exactly in the middle of where the fires raged in Victoria only a few days ago. Initially the reason for my coming was to stir up the hearts of the Churches to help in caring for the widows and orphans in Africa...those dying. My message as always, "The house is on fire!" Not fully understanding but with a peace that I should be here, I board the plane yesterday.

Perhaps Steven a friend of Hands gave me a glimpse of God’s plans as he fetched me from the airport. He blocked out his whole diary for the next few days to take care of me. In a by the way manner he said, “Robyn told me that Hands staff treat each other as family and I like that! I like the thought of being part of a family.” That made me think... Yes this is a “bad” time to visit, but not if you come to visit family who are in pain. Yearly our family form Australia is visiting us to comfort us in the pain and struggles we face. I want to ask all the Hands family and friends all over the world to pray for Australia and in particular for Pastor Shane Lepp the Hands chair person who lost some people from his Church. Our message to them would be “we are together”.

