Illuminate... Mary's Hope

As we celebrate this season and the gift that it brought us, I’m reminded of this statement that says, “God’s hope arrived in the form of a person” that is Jesus Christ.

I love the message of hope we find in Mary’s song from Luke 1: 46- 48, “……Oh how my soul praises the Lord, How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, For He took notice of His lowly servant girl, And from now on all generations will call me blessed”

Don’t you find it interesting that God chose to use a village servant girl to be the mother of His Son (who happened to be the greatest gift the world has ever received). God often uses the ordinary, the broken and the unexpected people to bring Hope. In this case He used Mary. I wonder if He knew that many ordinary and broken people like me would look at Mary’s story and find Hope. That same God who gave Mary Hope and caused her to rejoice in her ordinary circumstances still takes notice of the broken, the lowly and the vulnerable.

This year there’s been many times when I found myself doubting if there is any hope for some of our children, the families we work with or the communities we are involved in. In those moments I had to remind myself of the Hope I found when Christ burst into my ordinary life as a village girl many years ago. I’m learning to say that, that same God who took notice of me and chose me is the Hope of the children or the families we are working with, it doesn’t matter how difficult or complicated their circumstances are.

Mary’s circumstances hadn’t changed when she and that song, but Hope made her to rejoice and trust that the day is coming when she will be called “Blessed”

We are blessed because Jesus brought us Hope, let us celebrate and share it with those who desperately need it in this season. May our eyes be opened to those who are looking for hope because we are given that hope we have experienced that hope for ourselves. The world needs this Hope. May you have a Wonderful Christmas Season!