Meanwhile in Africa...

illuminate… I Will Show My Children What I Can Do

illuminate… I Will Show My Children What I Can Do

Hands at Work seeks out the most broken places in Africa to bring life to the poorest of the poor and most vulnerable people by way of His Church, both internationally and locally.For the past few weeks, we've been able to sit with the Hands family here in South Africa as George Snyman shares about the Goma region. Since his return, much has changed…

illuminate... God is still busy with Katembe

illuminate... God is still busy with Katembe

We want to share about where we work, the types of communities that we are called to, to see Jesus bring life where it looks the bleakest. Just as Jesus came to bring life to a broken world, Hands at Work seeks out the most broken places in Africa to bring life to the poorest of the poor and most vulnerable people by way of His Church, both internationally and locally.

The chief, I said to him, "You take me to Katembe or I go on my own, but we are going now." So he said, "Okay, let's go."

illuminate... Jesus in a War

illuminate... Jesus in a War

During Advent, this podcast channel comes to you in the form of Illuminate.
Episode 2: Katembe - Jesus in a War. In this podcast series, we will take you to the Democratic Republic of Congo, where we will visit three communities in the Goma area. Let's listen to George discussing the people and places where we work and what God is busy doing there.
If you haven't already subscribed to the podcast, please find us on Spotify, Apple or Google Podcast by searching "Meanwhile in Africa..." 
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illuminate... I See You

illuminate... I See You

George Snyman, a co-founder of Hands at Work, has spent a considerable amount of time there this year. We're about to hear George talking to a group of volunteers in South Africa on October 30th.
If you haven't already subscribed to the podcast, please find us on Spotify, Apple or Google Podcast by searching "Meanwhile in Africa..." 
Learn how you can give the gift of hope. Visit

illuminate... coming this Advent!

Being pregnant in a strange place, and in strange circumstances, Mary knew what it was like to give birth when things are not well. Promise felt a connection with Mary of the Bible, in a strange place with family tensions.

If you haven't already subscribed to the podcast, please find us on Spotify, Apple or Google Podcast by searching "Meanwhile in Africa..." 
Learn how you can give the gift of hope. Visit

Meanwhile in Africa... Beautiful Fragile Miracles

“I could just sense such a fragileness, a heaviness, among everybody as they were sick, and the toll of the ongoing war. At times like this God's tears speak loudest. A beautiful, fragile miracle.”
Meanwhile in Africa... is a 3-minute weekly story of serving Africa's most vulnerable by George Snyman of Hands at Work in Africa.

Meanwhile in Africa... Openly & Unashamedly

"So many of us have followed what was happening in Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo the last couple of weeks, and in specific, we heard stories like Mutobe's story.  We often tell their stories and that's great that we tell their stories because that inspires us. Are the Mutobe's few and far in between? I don't believe so."
Meanwhile in Africa... is a 3-minute weekly story of serving Africa's most vulnerable by George Snyman of Hands at Work in Africa.

Meanwhile in Africa... Peace Where There Is No Piece

What does it mean to do piece jobs? She said maybe somebody will come to her with a huge bucket full of dirty clothing. And she said if that happens her heart is so full of joy.
Meanwhile in Africa... is a 3-minute weekly story of serving Africa's most vulnerable by George Snyman of Hands at Work in Africa. #MeanwhileInAfrica

Meanwhile in Africa... Blessed like Birds of the Air

"The boys started running and then they make somersaults in the air and they land in this pile of grass… and instead of breaking all their bones, they land on this soft grass."

Meanwhile in Africa... is a 3 minute weekly story of serving Africa's most vulnerable by George Snyman of Hands at Work in Africa.

illuminate... She Said Yes!

Some said yes immediately. Others went to go think about it a little more. Some said yes but didn't show up. Some said yes they showed up, but turned away sorrowful because they couldn't sacrifice. And others said yes, showed up, and they've stuck through with us and now we've slowly seen the fruits of that. 

If you haven't already subscribed to the podcast, please find us on Spotify, Apple or Google Podcast by searching "Meanwhile in Africa..." 
Learn how you can give the gift of hope. Visit

illuminate... A Christmas Promise

Being pregnant in a strange place, and in strange circumstances, Mary knew what it was like to give birth when things are not well. Promise felt a connection with Mary of the Bible, in a strange place with family tensions.

If you haven't already subscribed to the podcast, please find us on Spotify, Apple or Google Podcast by searching "Meanwhile in Africa..." 
Learn how you can give the gift of hope. Visit

illuminate... The "How" Belongs to God

You know, there's a song in Zambia which says, "The one who gave me teeth, is going to give me what to chew." So, God knew that these teeth are supposed to chew something.

If you haven't already subscribed to the podcast, please find us on Spotify, Apple or Google Podcast by searching "Meanwhile in Africa..." 
Learn how you can give the gift of hope. Visit

illuminate... Nothing will be impossible with God!

Our God is the one who lifts up the humble. Our call is to say yes to Him because when we do that, we know he can do great things through us and He will get the glory.

If you haven't already subscribed to the podcast, please find us on Spotify, Apple or Google Podcast by searching "Meanwhile in Africa..."
Learn how you can give the gift of hope. Visit