Help us give the gift of hope this Christmas by sharing the Hands at Work Christmas cards with your friends and family.
I was more surprised by the decision than my family, church, students or colleagues. Yet somehow, I knew that Jesus’ call to take up my cross and follow Him meant accepting His invitation to Africa.
Help us remind a weary world, it has reasons to rejoice this Christmas Season by sharing the Hands at Work Christmas cards with your friends and family.
We invite you to share the message of Christ’s hope as we rejoice in the birth of our Saviour - in the midst of our weary and broken world - with Hands at Work greeting cards.
Jakob and Candece share their personal reflections on how the five weeks of orientation at the Hands at Work Hub in South Africa and four-week placement at a local Hands at Work office have helped to shape their understanding of what it means to serve the most vulnerable and give of themselves even if it personally costs them.
…My heart became completely open to whatever He wanted to do and a deep desire to return to South Africa filled my heart along with joy at the thought of being His hands and feet to the most vulnerable. Throughout that journey, God taught me to have faith far beyond my own expectations and also how He is so faithful to listen to our heart’s deepest desires.