UK summer newsletter 2008

Christmas in May in SwazilandSpend two weeks in AfricaUK represented at African Leaders and International Conferences 2008 • British schools help with GoLD future in South AfricaFrom Halesowen to Africa - college students link with Zambia schools


Regular monthly givingFinancial Statement for first 17 months as a registered charity • Your Will, Their future - a legacy from you will be such a welcome gift to ensure a future of hope and fulfilment for those affected •  Schools Service - From infant classes to agricultural students, talks are tailored suitably • Hairless for Hands! GBP1395 raised!  Forthcoming fundraising events: throw yourself off St Peter’s Church for Hands at Work  Abseiling with local scouts - “ work... in Africa” photo exhibition -  “An evening of Words and Music” - performed by singers of the much acclaimed Midlands Chorale and The Keele Poets - whose poetry reaches parts of your soul no-one else ever has • Christmas is coming...
Give someone something useful this Christmas. Now you can make a difference to the lives of those affected by HIV/AIDS - and give it as a present to someone special! • Progress in Nigeria - Local managers report in Nigeria on our Lagos Home Based Care (HBC) Programme, and helping commercial sex workers tackle the daily problems of HIV/AIDS at Isolo. We include some stories of children given new hope by volunteers on our Community Based Organisation (CBO)