Telethon for Hands at Work

Last year October, Living Truth, based in Toronto Canada, aired two programs highlighting Hands at Work in Africa’s work in Mozambique and South Africa.  The telethon raised sizeable funds to care for the vulnerable children of Africa by providing access to education, healthcare and food security through care centres.

Due to the success of the programs, Living Truth returned to Africa to film updates from the countries they originally covered, and also to highlight new areas in which Hands is working. The programs are about to air in Canada and parts of the States.

                11 Oct 2009                         Mozambique
                18 Oct 2009                         South Africa and Zimbabwe
                25 Oct 2009                         Malawi

Check out for specific broadcast stations and times.

Please send this on to your friends at home who have the opportunity to watch. Thanks for your interest and support of this exciting event!

Watch last year’s programs online here: