Going Deeper - Watchword 2011

At the beginning of each year, the Hands at Work family in Africa sets aside a morning to meditate on the watchword for the new season.

We recorded audio tracks of each of the speakers and we encourage you to listen to them by clicking on the links below.

Click here to listen to Hands at Work founder, George Snyman.

Click here to listen to Lynn Chotowetz, Levy Mwende, the communion & prayer and the closing.

Watchword 2011 It’s in Christ that we find out WHO we are and WHAT we are living for.                  - Ephesians 1:11 (The Message)


We make a choice, this morning, and we say: with God we can conquer all things.

“Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit within me.”

I dwell in the high heavens, and I dwell in hearts of the humble. Wow.

“We’ve gotta do something!”

No wonder God says, “Unless you become like a child...”

I want you to catch what God is saying to us: I want to do something, first IN you and, from there, OUTWARD.

The power of the Holy Spirit is going to come, he is going to mould, he is going to shape and he is going to bring forth a nation that mirrors himself.

We’re being moulded into who God wants us to be … we don’t want to be shallow. It is not a discussion, we’ve already decided: we want to go deep.

Absolutely, this year is about going deeper.