My Calling - Prudence Muronzi

At Hands at Work, our volunteers are called by God from all over the world to serve the most vulnerable in Africa. Each of us has a unique story of how we were transformed when we stepped out in faith and were obedient to His call. Prudence shares her story and the journey that has led her to fully trust and serve in South Africa.   

I grew up in a missionary household in my home country of Zimbabwe, so the idea of serving the most vulnerable was not something new to me; I had grown up with a family that helped others. As I grew older I personally saw the value in serving others rather than simply serving myself. However, it wasn’t until 2012 that I felt a stirring in my heart for a change. I felt a strong desire to leave my job and the life that I led. At the time I was working for an auditing firm in Tzaneen, South Africa where I had living since the age of eleven. I didn’t know where I was going or what God had in store for me, but I knew that I needed to resign from my job, pack up my life and leave. My friends questioned me and my co-workers thought I was crazy to leave such a great job but I knew that I was supposed to make this change.

My parents were volunteers with Hands at Work from 2008-2013. They were on leave in December 2012 when I came to visit them at the Hands at Work HUB in South Africa. Over this time, a volunteer opportunity opened up in the finance team and at that same time a house nearby became available. I hadn’t come with the intention of looking for a job or a place to stay, but I saw this as God opening a door for me. I started volunteering with Hands at Work in January 2013.

When I arrived I realised that this had been the plan all along, it was just different to what I was expecting. It was a totally different way of living and working than what I was used to. At times I questioned why I had come and why God had called me to this life of ministry. However, throughout the years, God has been teaching me to trust in His plan. I don’t always understand the changes that happen and as a person that doesn’t like change, I tend to worry about it. But when I put all of my trust and faith in Him, amazing things can happen. It is usually that initial leap of faith that I have to push myself to make, but I’ve come to realise that I am not in control of my own life. As much as I try to control and manage it on my own, it simply doesn’t work without God.

Currently, Prudence serves on the Regional Support Team in Zimbabwe. 

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