What does the New Year mean to You?

 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. - Isaiah 43:19

Erick Rukang, African Volunteer (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

“At the end of every year, I try to reflect on the year and see where I failed and struggled. Then, going into a new year, I start things afresh, trying to repair failures and things that I struggled to achieve. I look at new strategies to move ahead and I put up goals that I want to achieve. I decide to do better because the new year is a new direction and can involve a new way of deciding and starting afresh.”

 Hannah Mohajer, International Volunteer (Canada)

“As I enter a new year I, like many of us, often begin with noble resolutions. By February, they've burnt out with the Christmas candles. What if that fresh start, that space for grace and good intentions, for second chances and embracing opportunities, wasn't just for the New Year? I love these thoughts from Henri Nouwen:

‘We must learn to live each day, each hour, yes, each minute as a new beginning, as a unique opportunity to make everything new. Imagine that we could live each moment as a moment pregnant with new life. Imagine that we could live each day as a day full of promises. Imagine that we could walk through the new year always listening to a voice saying to us: “I have a gift for you and can’t wait for you to see it! Imagine!’

This encourages me – a whisper of hope, that maybe I CAN hold onto newness throughout the year, living continually under a soft rain of forgiveness and new beginnings? May that be my prayer, that I will be ever ready for new life, whether it's January, August or November.”

Barbra Teiwa, African Volunteer (Zimbabwe)

“When I look into a new year, I want the Holy Spirit to continue to teach me. Whatever I do in 2020, I want the Holy Spirit to speak and lead, because without His leadership, it’s difficult to make plans and decisions. I need the Holy Spirit to teach me the word of God and show me the correct path to walk through in 2020.”