As Hands at Work, our dream is to continually build resiliency into our Care Workers, the most vulnerable children and their families. The purpose of building resiliency is to equip them with the resources, tools, and understanding that they need to provide for their own families, so that when challenges come, they are better equipped to stand. One way that this is done is through the provision of both Care Worker and Primary Caregiver community gardens.
In some situations, when the crops are harvested from the garden, they are used to feed the most vulnerable children who are coming to the Care Point, with the profits going to the Primary Caregivers involved. And then any other harvest remaining is divided amongst the Primary Caregivers for their personal use – either to eat or to sell in the local markets. In other situations, the crops are distributed amongst the individuals involved and can be used either to eat or sell in the local markets.
These gardens are a way to help build resilience and self-sustainability into our Care Workers, Primary Caregivers and their families. In the coming year, Hands at Work dreams of starting more gardens in other communities across Africa. Pray for all the logistics involved in these projects, that God’s hand will be upon them. Pray for there to be a bountiful harvest.
Examples of Community Gardens in Action