My Calling - Prudence Muronzi

My Calling - Prudence Muronzi

At Hands at Work, our volunteers are called by God from all over the world to serve the most vulnerable in Africa. Each of us has a unique story of how we were transformed when we stepped out in faith and were obedient to His call. Prudence shares her story and the journey that has led her to fully trust and serve in South Africa.   

Meet Thandeka

Meet Thandeka

From March 1st – April 16th, join the Hands at Work family around the world as we pray for 40 Days on behalf of the most vulnerable children in Africa and our work to support them. Thandeka represents one of thousands of children being cared for by volunteer Care Workers across the communities Hands at Work supports. Read her story and join us in prayer by downloading the 40 Days of Prayer Guide.

Sowing Seeds

Sowing Seeds

Hannah and Farzam Mohajer, long-time friends of Hands, along with their two young girls, left their home in Canada in September 2016 to join Hands at Work. Currently, they are serving in South Africa. Hannah reflects on the impact of her time in Africa thus far, and how it has sown seeds into the lives of her daughters.

Stay Connected

Stay Connected

Stay connected with Hands at Work to hear what is happening on the ground in Africa, and around the world as we unite with the international church to bring hope to the hopeless. Hear what is inspiring us, read stories of transformation among the most vulnerable, and stay informed with how you can serve as we are called together to serve our brothers and sisters in Africa.

Giving Freely

Giving Freely

“To me, giving means being willing in and out of season to give of my time, talents and treasures. It’s understanding the spiritual concept of receiving freely from Jesus, so we can then give freely to others. We can be a huge blessing and encouragement to others by giving, no matter what it costs us. An attitude of giving is one without a consequence or expectation of receiving something in return.

Who is the Baby in the Manger to You?

Who is the Baby in the Manger to You?

Brenda Rebro, International Volunteer (US)

Since I was a little girl, my very favourite Christmas decoration was our nativity scene. It was the one decoration that I was eager to put up on my own. Placing the animals outside of the stable, the shepherd nearby watching over the sheep, the wise men off in the distance coming with their gifts, Mary and Joseph tending to baby Jesus. For me, it was and still is the one decoration that truly symbolises the true meaning of the season – the birth of Jesus.  

Stories of the Drought Crisis

Stories of the Drought Crisis

“I planted 12 meda* of soya beans, I expected to harvest 18-20 x 50 kg bags. I only harvested 2 bags.”

“I planted 20 kg of maize seed, I expected to harvest 60 x 50 kg bags. There is no harvest; the rains just did not come after I planted.”

“I planted 15 kg of maize seed. From planting the same amount of seed last year, I harvested 32 x 50 kg bags. This year I only harvested 12 bags.”

Our Calling: Kristi & Daytona Swarbrick

Our Calling: Kristi & Daytona Swarbrick

At Hands at Work, our volunteers are called by God from all over the world to serve the most vulnerable in Africa. Each of us has a unique story of how we were transformed when we stepped out in faith and were obedient to His call. Kristi and Daytona Swarbrick share their story and the journey that has led them to serve in Africa.