Planning + Preparation


This list may not include everything you want to take, but is a basic guide. While every effort is made to ensure the security of your belongings, anything valuable that you do take is at your own risk. 


  • Passport (and visas)

  • Plane tickets/travel documents

  • Travel/Health insurance

  • Emergency contact numbers

  • Immunisation record (YELLOW FEVER CARDS as per your travel doctor)

  • Photocopies of travel documents*

* Make at least two sets of photocopies of everything (one to leave at home with family or friends and one to give to your team leader). Include serial numbers of flight tickets, travel insurance details, and emergency contact numbers, credit card numbers, your embassy phone number, serial number of valuables, etc.

General packing list

All clothing needs to be modest. Every day while you are in the community the dress expectation is long skirts for women, trousers for men and modest tops for all, with minimal jewellery.

It can get surprisingly cool in Winter (May-July), and hot in other months, so come prepared for both temperatures. Rainy season is also the hot season, but it can be cool. It is good to bring a rain jacket. Rainy season can be anywhere from September to March. These are general guidelines as we cannot predict the weather.

  • T-Shirts, cotton shirts / long sleeved shirts

  • Sweater / Jacket (esp. for winter months)

  • Long skirts for women / long pants for men

  • Pairs of shorts & jeans

  • Nicer clothes for church

  • Good, comfortable walking shoes

  • Sun hat, sunscreen and sunglasses

  • Wet weather gear

  • Water bottle

  • A First Aid kit

  • Toiletries

  • Mosquito repellent

  • Adaptor plugs (North Americans, check your devices are dual voltage as you can fry them)

  • Alarm clock

  • Flashlight

  • Camera

  • Photos of friends / families

  • Bible, journal, pens and reading books

Don’t worry, if you arrive and have forgotten anything. Most items are available in South Africa and can be purchased during your stay. 



It is crucial that your passport is up-to-date and valid for at least 6 months following your return from Africa. You also need to ensure you have enough pages available for visa stamps while travelling. Make at least 2 sets of photocopies of important documents (one to leave at home with family or friends and one to give to your team leader).


Contact your local Hands at Work International Office for information on visa requirements.


Money Matters

Using Traveller’s Cheques is not advised, as it can be difficult to locate places to exchange them for cash while in remote areas of Africa.

 More advisable is one of the following:

  • Withdraw local currency from ATMs available, when arriving in the country. This will work if your bankcard is connected to the Visa or Cirrus network. Be sure to notify your bank before you travel, of your travel dates so they don’t freeze your account when the international withdrawals occur. It’s also advisable to check with your bank about fees connected with international withdrawals.

  • Bringing a small amount of local currency with you is highly recommended.

  • US dollars and South African Rand can be exchanged for local currency in most African countries.

Please review this document for more information about money in the country you are visiting.