40 Days of Prayer

Day 22 - Pray for Our Children in the DRC (#40Days2025)

Day 22 - Pray for Our Children in the DRC

Within the Democratic Republic of Congo, there are 1180 children being loved and cared for. The Goma and Likasi Service Centres* invite you to pray for the children in their region:

• “Pray for children to experience the love of Christ in their lives through the people around them as many children experience verbal and physical abuse even from their own parents so it’s difficult for them to explain what does love mean to them.

• Pray for the under 5s and the children aged 6 to 12 as these age groups are more exposed to diseases like malaria and typhoid. Pray for God’s protection against sicknesses.

• Pray for the youths to know Christ and make good choice in their lives as many of them are attracted by things which can destroy their lives, like looking for odd jobs doing artisanal mines which lead them to abusing drugs and alcohol and enter into early marriage and prostitution.” – Angel, Service Centre Coordinator (DRC) sharing on behalf of the Likasi Service Centre*.

• “The war has affected the children in Goma and the displacement camps were a centre for many activities like use of drugs, child abuse, prostitution, which are taking our children away from a good education. As our children return to their homes, let us pray for the security of our teenagers and young ones and pray that they are able to return to school.” – Erick sharing on behalf of the Goma Service Centre*.

• Pray for our children to make wise and healthy choices as they have been living in a state of chaos. Pray for their protection against the schemes of the enemy.

To learn more about the DRC, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit: https://www.handsatwork.org/drc-links

Day 21 - Pray for Care Workers and Primary Caregivers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (#40Days2025)

Day 21 - Pray for Care Workers and Primary Caregivers in the Democratic Republic of Congo

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, there are 128 Care Workers who have committed to caring for the most vulnerable children. In many communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo and across Africa, the Care Workers are also the Primary Caregivers of the children they serve.

A Primary Caregiver is the mother, father, grandparents, aunts, uncles, older siblings or other relatives who live with the children coming to the Care Point. The Goma and Likasi Service Centers* invite you to pray for the Care Workers and Primary Caregivers in their region:

• “Pray for those who do farming. Pray for good rains - many people can’t afford to get fertilisers but may God provide good rains for so they can provide for their families.

• Pray for good health and strength as each day they have to do something so they can provide for their families. Unless they have good health, they can’t do it otherwise. It’s tough for them and it has an impact on the rest of the family.

• Pray for the Care Workers and Primary Caregivers to base their lives on the true foundation of Christ. Pray that they live it out in their daily lives and their relationships with others.” - Angel, Service Centre Coordinator (DRC) sharing on behalf of the Likasi Service Centre*.

• “Many of the Primary Caregivers and Care Workers have experienced lots of trauma. As they return to their communities, pray that the Lord will keep them through this season of different changes.” – Bahati, Service Centre* Member (DRC) sharing on behalf of the Goma Service Centre*.

To learn more about the DRC, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit: https://www.handsatwork.org/drc-links

Day 20 – Pray for Our Communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (#40Days2025)

Day 20 – Pray for Our Communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Within the Democratic Republic of Congo, there are 10 communities being supported and cared for:

  • Buhimba, Katembe, Luhonga (supported by the Goma Service Centre)

  • Kambove, Kikula B, Kisunka, Kitabataba, Kitondo, Toyota A and Toyota B (supported by the Likasi Service Centre)

Today we invite you to pray for the challenges that exist across all communities:

  • “The cost of living is becoming so high compared to the income people are getting. Even fuel is getting very expensive, almost 85% of the normal price since early this year and the transport fare is getting very high. Pray for God’s provision for His people.

  • Let’s pray for our communities in Likasi after the outbreak of cholera early this year. Pray that the Lord grant divine protection for our people. Pray that water will be available for the hygiene and cleanliness to fight this epidemic as drinking water is becoming scarce in the Likasi communities.

  • Let’s pray for peace within our communities as the issue of Goma taken by rebels cannot affect our communities as well as these 2 regions are the Swahili-speaking people. May God protect our communities against any form of malice roaming around our province.

  • Pray for Goma as rebels have taken over, that God in His sovereignty brings stability and peace despite the wave of war which has last a decade.” – Erick, Hands Leader (DRC)

To learn more about the DRC, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit: https://www.handsatwork.org/drc-links

Day 19 - Pray for Our Partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Day 19 - Pray for Our Partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Across the world, Hands at Work has dedicated partners from the International Church, who are committed to seeing the mission and vision of Hands at Work grow and flourish. Today, we invite you to pray for the partners who are supporting the work in the DRC:

• “We praise you Almighty God for each of our faithful partners across the world, who are steadfastly committed to care for the most vulnerable children in communities across the DRC. We lift them up to you as they advocate and are a voice for these children who have no voice and we ask for your continued provision. As our partners join Hands at Work to arise and build the wall so that the children will no longer be vulnerable, may you strengthen their hands for this good work as you did in Nehemiah 2:18. We pray for your blessing to be upon them as they serve you in their own communities and may they also care for the most vulnerable around them.” – Rachel McLaughlin, International Office Volunteer (Australia)

• Pray that international team members and visitors encounter God’s heart among the vulnerable, encourage the work of the local teams on the ground, and further the goals of the partnership between the local and international Church and stir up momentum to further the partnership.” – Suzette Tay Lee, International Office Volunteer (US)

To learn more about the DRC, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit: https://www.handsatwork.org/drc-links

Day 18 - Pray for the Church within the DRC (#40Days2025)

Day 18 - Pray for the Church within the DRC

Hands at Work envisions the local church in Africa effectively caring for the orphaned, the widowed and the dying in partnership with the International Church. Today we invite you to join us in praying for the local church in the DRC:

• “Pray that we have the commitment of pastors and their participation in our activities in order to better prepare for the graduation of our communities. Pray for the pastors that they can take community responsibility according to the biblical recommendation.

• We must pray for the pastors so that they can understand the vision and mission of Hands at Work in order to play their role well as a church.” – Francis, Service Centre* Member (DRC)

• Pray for the church in Goma, that in the midst of pain and chaos, they will be a place of peace and safety.

To learn more about the Democratic Republic of Congo, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit: https://www.handsatwork.org/drc-links

Day 17 - Welcome to the Democratic Republic of Congo (#40Days2025)

Day 17 - Welcome to the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo is one of eight countries that Hands at Work is serving in across Africa. The Democratic Republic of Congo has a population of 98,363,340 people, with 72% of the population living in extreme poverty. Ranking 180 out of 187 on the Human Development Index, 50,000 children are living with HIV/AIDS and 450,000 children have been orphaned because of this life-threatening illness. – Sources: UNAID, UNDP, World Poverty Clock

Within the Democratic Republic of Congo, Hands at Work is serving in two areas: Likasi and Goma. For decades, the DRC has been plagued by war, particularly in the north-eastern province around the city of Goma. Hands at Work has been serving in communities devastated by this unrest since 2006. The area surrounding Goma continues to experience the constant threat of rebel attacks and war. This escalating instability around Goma is highlighting the reality that families in the DRC face. They are fighting for their daily survival. Throughout the week, we want to pray and intercede for the area of Goma, which is in massive crisis. However, as the situation is ever-changing, we invite you to follow this link to our crisis page (https://www.handsatwork.org/crisis-response-goma), where we will be posting regular, up-to-date prayer points. As such, please join us in praying for the country of the Democratic Republic of Congo as a whole:

• “Pray for security of people and their things as conflicts among tribes, thieves and bandits break, steal and destroy people’s stuff, day and night, which is the cause of the insecurity.

• Pray for safety of the environment as many people are exposed to the dirt and mosquitoes, which cause many diseases like malaria, typhoid, cholera and measles.

• Pray for the government to be able to provide employment to those who are in need so the population can afford to live normal life as the cost of living is so high and makes tough life of people.” – Angel, Service Centre* Coordinator (DRC)

• Pray for peace to reign in Goma and that God will make a way for His people.

To learn more about the DRC, the communities that we serve and about our Service Centres (local Hands at Work teams), please visit: https://www.handsatwork.org/drc-links