40 Days of Prayer

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 21

Week 4 - Hands at Work in Africa

Pray in re-commitment to the second half of 40 Days of Prayer. Know that God hears your prayers and He does not require perfect words, just a willing heart. Pray for the outcome of this season of prayer to be a deeper understanding of God’s will and a closer relationship with Him as you commit to conversing with Him daily. 

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 20

Week 4 - Hands at Work in Africa

We are dependent upon God to send us local African leaders to lead the way in caring for the most vulnerable children. Pray for the growth and development of our existing African leaders, and for God to send us new servants, male and female, with hearts that desire to sacrificially serve the most broken and wounded children.

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 19

Week 3 - The Church Around the World

Today, pray for all individuals who feel called to be a part of God’s work in serving the poorest of the poor. Pray for courage to take action and discernment to know how. 

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth – 1 John 3:18 (NIV)

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 18

Week 3 - The Church Around the World 

Today, pray for understanding and unity among the various Christian denominations. As we can join together to serve the poor we find beauty in diversity and our differences become insignificant. Ask God to remind us that we are all loved as His children.