
Pray for Luhonga, DR Congo

Greetings in Jesus’ Name.
                                       Even though I walk through the valley of
                                              the shadow of death ,                         
                                                    I will fear no evil, for you are with me,
                                                              Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
   Please pray for:
                             Luhongo in Eastern DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO.
Hands at Work supports Muungano Community Based Organisation in Luhongo where many vulnerable children have again been affected by attacks from rebels.
The children we care for, ranging in age from 1 – 10 years, fled with grannies and Care Workers to Sake, a refugee camp, when the rebels also attacked Sake.
Many were wounded by gun shots and five people in the refugee camp were killed. We are not able to get much more information than this.
They live in constant fear. Many fled into dense forest areas and are lost.
As no food can reach them there is a fear that starvation will claim lives.
Pray for all the leaders to have wisdom to face the many challenges.
Pray that Care Workers will find these children even as the situation is desperate.
These children are so traumatized and we pray for God’s mercy. That they will experience His love.
Be blessed,


Justice Rolling Like a River, Righteousness Like Waves

Greetings in Jesus’ Name,
                  Thank you God for your faithfulness, 
                                    may Your justice continue to roll on like a river, and righteousness like waves
                              for we can do everything through Christ who gives us strength.
Praise for God
Hands at Work has just turned ten years old!
It is amazing what, with God’s grace and guidance, has been accomplished in 10 years. From a small beginning Hands has developed into an organisation to reach and support thousands of vulnerable children.
We are grateful for prayers, support and encouragement from friends and family worldwide!
Prayer Requests 
Please pray that churches and communities will mobilize and respond to the needs of vulnerable children.
Please pray for community programs that will enable children to grow their own crops to provide essential nutrition in their diets.
Pray that children, taken in by other families living in extremely difficult and crowded conditions will not be abused.
Pray that orphaned siblings will be able  to live together or at least remain in contact with each other.
Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo
Urgent prayer is needed as rebels have entered Luhongo  Village where Hands at Work has begun care for very vulnerable children.
Pray for grannies and children fleeing to the woods to be protected.
Pray that Care Givers will be able to find these children.
Pray that feeding schemes to be restarted as everything has been disrupted due to rebel activities.
                         Who ever welcomes one of these little children in my name
                                       welcomes Me.      
                                                                                Mark 9:37
Be blessed,
Oumie Snyman

For the Lord loves justice, he will never abandon his faithful ones.

Greetings to our Prayer Warriors,


George Snyman has been invited to travel to the UK from the 4th to the 16th of this October.

Pray for God's grace, wisdom and discernment as he speaks in churches and meets with people. Pray that all who hear him will have an open heart to God's message of love for poor and vulnerable children.

Pray for travelling mercies for George and that his health will be protected.



Pray for our Service Center and Regional Support Team members from around Africa as they come together in Zambia from 21st to 24th October. 

Pray that they will be lead by the Spirit and the work will be forwarded out of this time spent together.


Please pray for the vision trip for church leaders from Canada and America which George Snyman will be leading the first week of November. They will spend time together in Zambia and Malawi. Pray that God will prepare the hearts of those coming on the trip and prepare the way for them to connect with and be an encouragement to our communities.



In October a team from our Hands at Work Hub in South Africa will be going to Nigeria to support our Service Centre.

Pray for their health and safety. That they will build relationships and be guided by God’s wisdom in all their decisions.



 Zambian Regional Support Team are doing training and supporting the Service Centre in the Democratic Republic Congo.

As this is a very volatile area with many challenges please pray for their safety, building relationships and wisdom in their work.  

Pray for God's justice to reign and for his faithful ones to be protected as it says in Psalm 37v28:


                                                For the Lord loves justice, 

                                                                                he will never abandon his faithful ones.

                                                               They will be protected forever.           


His Name will be Glorified

Greetings to all.

Thank you for everyone who faithfully pray for vulnerable children. I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Saviour
Habakkuk  3 : 18

Zambia is hosting Hands at Work Africa Celebration (Conference) during 25, 26, 27 April. We will have delegates from all eight countries in Africa and International visitors.


  • That all internationals attending will have travelling mercies, smooth border crossings and health protection.
  • All participating speakers will have wisdom and discernment as they share.
  • That hospitality will have all the logistical preparation in order.
  • Those present will be challenged and encouraged to advocate for vulnerable children.
  • That God’s Name will be glorified.


Be blessed



They Will Be Filled

Greetings to all in Jesus’ Name,


Please pray for:


For good rains so that they can have a bumper harvest and children can be fed. For the children caring for their ill and dying parents parents to be comforted and supported by the body of Christ. Pray that God will protect the children against witch craft which is practiced in many villages.


Bushbuckridge is one of the poor rural areas in South Africa where Handsatwork is working with vulnerable children in a number of villages. One the biggest challenges these children face is to obtain clean water. They often have to walk long distances and wait for hours in the line to obtain clean water at a community water point. Pray for their safety as it places these children in a situation that can be potentially vulnerable. That the problem will be solved by successful sinking of boreholes.

Thank you,
Be blessed.



Unity in doing His work

“He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ”
 Philippians 1:6
Here is the link to the “40 Days of Prayer” schedule, and I invite you to consider each day’s prayer points in your daily prayer time.
As for current prayer requests, please pray for our Zambia offices and work groups. Pray for unity amongst them, and for the ability and strength to be the ‘face’ to our communities of our efforts to bring healing relationships. Please also pray for our offices (Service Centers) for:

-  anointing to teach, inspire and encourage our care workers
- for renewed understand and focus on helping others do
-  to have the grace to manage competing tasks
Every year we come together to celebrate all that God is doing amongst us, to encourage one another and build in to one another. This years 'Celebrations' are coming up in April, please pray that planning will go smoothly and that the impact from these celebrations will be spread as far as the children we serve. Please also pray for travel mercies for all those travelling to and from Zambia for this event.
Thank you so much for all that you do, I really appreciate the time you dedicate to praying over the work of Hands.
Be blessed this week,