Stories of the Most Vulnerable

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 2

Week 1 - Serving the Most Vulnerable

Sexual abuse is rife in the poorest communities. Pray for women, men, and children who are forced, or feel they have no choice, but to put themselves in danger in order to survive. Ask God to perform a miracle in their lives so they can be free.

Prayer Requests - October 29, 2013

Greetings in Jesus' Name;

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.
-Proverbs 11:30

God has faithfully blessed all in the workshops with our Care Workers. Many Care Workers found salvation, healing and peace as they were ministered to by our local and international leaders. Pray that these Care Workers will bear much fruit and continue to walk with Jesus.
Pray for our International Offices in Australia, Canada, Germany, South Africa, UK and US as they face many challenges. They persevere with dedication and commitment as they advocate for Hands at Work. Pray that they will not grow weary or discouraged.
We are grateful for all of our partners around the world who faithfully support and encourage Hands at Work. Their generosity is appreciated and we thank God for those who have felt called to give support through prayer, time, and finances.
Praise God that Theone, a seven year old boy living in Zimba community, was taken in by his aunt and uncle who were themselves desperately poor. Mercy, a Care Worker, brought hope and compassion to the family and he now receives a hot meal every day and is doing well at school.
Praise God for the life of Mancoba in Oshoek community. Mancoba and his four siblings were left alone by their mother when he was fourteen. It was a daily struggle and they often had no food each day. In 2011 they were found by Nesta, a Care Worker with Bambanani Community Based Organisation. She has ensured that they are safe and cares for them as a mother. Mancoba now attends school and he and his siblings receive a hot meal each day.
He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done.
-Proverbs 19:12



Prayer Requests

July 12th

Greetings in Jesus’ Name.

Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the LORD will be at your side and will keep your foot from being snared.

Proverbs 3 : 25-26


GOMA The situation in Goma is very unstable and dangerous at the moment. There is a lot of anxiety and fear as no one is certain about what is happening.  Families have fled to find safety and vulnerable children are traumatized. Grandmothers caring for many children are especially at risk as they try to protect these children.

Please pray that the situation will be stabilised and peace will return and for the protection of the most vulnerable children on Goma. Pray for Erick, Angel and local Care Workers to have wisdom as how to protect the children.

That they will find strength in God’s word.


The SALT (SERVE AND LEARN TEAM) who have been serving in several countries across Africa for the last two months have built relationships, helped with many needs in the community , and shared the love of Jesus.

They were a blessing to many and responded to His mandate to care and have compassion on the poor.

Be blessed. Oumie