General Prayers

Zambia (Luanshya):

  • Please pray for Samuel and Juliet Zulu, Hands at Work volunteers from Chipata, Zambia, who have moved on 1 October with their children to Kachele Farm in Luanshya.  Samuel will manage the farm with the aim of improving food security for orphaned and vulnerable children around Luanshya, and Juliet’s role will involve training on caring for vulnerable children.


  • Our 3 CBO leaders ... for clarity in direction for delivery of 3 services
  • For Care Workers ... to love the children as their own
  • For Children ... to know the love being offered is also the love of God


  • Please pray for the piece of land purchasing process  and construction  of the care centre for the CBO to go according to plan for we are racing against time. Processes have been taking long because of the political situation.
  • For the Zim team to connect with the right people for some are opportunists
  • To get the right candidate for the bookkeeping position that needs to be filled up.
  • The farming God’s way that is to happen in Honde valley
  • The trained care workers to continue with the good work they have started.
  • The expansion of  our work in Zim in general
  • The political situation in Zim., there is still lots of tension between the two joint parties and some uncertainties.

24 hours of Prayer

We would like to invite you to join with us in a prayer this weekend. We feel God at this time calling us to reflection, restoration with him and a time of refining. We are gathering together for a time of prayer and fasting starting on this Friday, September 18 at 19h00 and end on Saturday, September 19 at 19h00. We would love for you to partner in prayer with us wherever you are as we: Prepare Our Hearts to Meet Our King!

We would like to share in this with you through our website where we will have scriptures to reflect on as well as an area for you to communicate with us on what God is revealing to you!

Listen to this message from George (mp3 file) and be expectant for what He has to show us through this time!


Service Centers

  • Please pray for wisdom and God's guidance as we add dozens of new local team members to Hands at Work Service Centres in all of our countries.
  • Please pray for the provision of ARV’s (treatment drugs for AIDS patients) in Likasi, DRC, where so many people continue to suffer and die when they do not need to.
  • “Emily Osborne and Alisha Volkman, who haven volunteering with the Kabwe Service Center since October 2008, left Kabwe in July 2009. Please thank God for Emily and Alisha and their humble service and pray that God will use them to teach others in North America about the beautiful things God is doing in Zambia.”


Bushbuckridge (SA)


  • Pray that the many teams that come through will be impacted and able to contribute to the work on the ground
  • Pray that people overseas are stirred up to contribute financially to the $15 three services fund.
  • Pray that we can proceed faster with the establishment of the Service Center and that things run smoothly
  • Pray for the new bookkeeper that she can learn quickly and that she has a big impact in the communities in building financial capacity
  • Pray that God stirs up a trusted, influential, Godly man in Bushbuckridge with a strong heart for his community to join the vision
  • Pray that God strengthens us and continues giving us His heart in order to continue running the race

Hunger Season (Moz)

Please pray for Mozambique

  • Harvest season to be dryer … too much rain now
  • Harvests to be safe (not stolen as the price is Beira is high for selling) … a scam run by Indians who will sell at triple when times are tough
  • Local alcoholism problems … again, a local company selling small bottles of lethal brew= deprivation, abuse, poverty, death
  • Church to be convicted of “sin, righteousness and judgement” … John 16:8
  • Encouragement for volunteers working in Christian Community Based Organizations… both leadership and body
  • National Government :
  • Fear of the Lord
  • Righteousness and wisdom
  • Caring for their people
  • Upgrading education
  • Releasing / accepting women as different but equal
  • Standing against harmful cultural practices


Expanding the Work in Zambia



  • The Luanshya team is casting vision in 14 new communities in 2009. Please pray that God will connect the team to the right people, people with servant hearts in each community, and that because of this, many more orphaned and vulnerable children will receive home visits from community volunteers who can love and care for them.
  • The Luanshya team recently moved into a new office. Please pray that the infrastructure can be put into place to improve communication and make a place where the staff is bettered with a healthy environment.


  • Kabwe service center will be hiring an administrator in June 2009, pray that God brings the right person to join the team.
  • The service center is in desperate need of a vehicle, please pray that we can find a reliable vehicle for a good price and that the money will be enough.
  • Kabwe service center is also hosting four teams in June and July 2009. Please pray for their safety and for God to reveal himself in a new way in their time in Kabwe.


  •  The development of an agricultural project to support feeding OVC.
  •  And also the mobilization of people in the village of Manjanja to care for the vulnerable in their community.