Spirit of the living God, a prayer

Apart from you, we can do nothing.
Transform our hearts.
Transform Your Church into the image of Jesus Christ.
Release Your power to bring healing to the sick,
Freedom to the oppressed and comfort to those who mourn.
Pour Your love into our hearts and fill us with compassion
To answer the call of the homeless and the hungry
And to enfold orphans, widows and the elderly in Your care.
Give us wisdom and insight for the complex problems we face today.
Help us to use the resources of the earth for the well-being of all.
Holly Spirit, we need Your comfort and guidance.

Thank you for praying with us

Greetings to all

Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, let Your Glory be over all the earth. - Psalm 57:11

Please pray for: 


Hands at Work care workers as they go for training in Luanshya done by Petra Children's Ministries. Pray for their safety, that they will be in good health and be encouraged by all they learn.

The communities need partners. Pray God will link outside partners with them to reach more children. May they see the need and be encouraged to be involved.

Request from James Tembo:

That God gives us the grace to knit our hearts together so that His love may overflow through us.

Pray that Samuel Zulu will have wisdom in all the decisions he has to make regarding the farm. That all tasks will be completed on time and will be successful.



Pray for the care workers and church leaders in Sakuba to be encouraged and to come together in unity. That they will have wisdom as they plan what is needed to be done and that there is no confusion in the work environment.

Pray for the Honda Valley volunteers, for their safety and health. This is a new, difficult area with many challenges and is deep rural. Pray that they will be encouraged to persevere. We trust for many children to be reached so that they can be cared for.

We thank God for fruit born there and the opportunity of going deeper this year.



They will be in the DRC for a few months. Please pray for their well-being. We trust that the Holy Spirit will lead them on the right path and that they will be encouraged to persevere in a difficult area.



Please pray for Samuel Mosoma in the Clau Clau service centre for his health to improve so that he has strength to do all that is required of him and for guidance and wisdom in work related situations.

We are thankful to report back on a program started in Belfast with regards to after school activities. All went well and will bring much joy to the children.


Thank you for your prayers! May God bless you.


His faithful ones

Greetings Prayer Warriors 

For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake His faithful ones. They will be protected forever.  Psalm 37:28

Thank you so much for your prayers for the family and friends of Hands. Bind us together Lord, bind us together in love.

Today we need prayer for:

Nello Regusa (Hopes and Dreams) Australia - He has had a total hip replacement. Pray for complete healing and strength for mobility.


For the bookkeepers, Mary and Luckson, as they learn new ways to keep their books and do the finances for their service centers.


Mentoring  George (field  coordinator) and Ruth (administrator) to be able to be effective in the service center. Several communities where there is huge potential for growth  this year.Pray that the churches will take on the Biblical mandate to care for the orphans and widows and that the care workers will have the heart for it.


Pray for a bank account to be opened in Lagos. This is urgently needed. Pray  for favour with the Nigerian International Affairs Office in regard to Hands Family and partners having an open door to come to Nigeria.

Pray for long term intensive training for volunteers. Pray that the right leaders will be identified, pray for volunteers that will have compassion for the orphans and wisdom to identify those in need. As to date we have no funds available and trust for financial aid required for the training.


In God we trust.

Be blessed


Prayer for Malawi

Happy new year! Thank you so much for your continued prayers for Hands at Work. 2010 was such a wonderful refining time as we learned to wait on our God. We are excited about what God has in store for us this year as we reflect on who we are and what we are living for through the shining example of Christ.

Today we’d like to hold up our Malawian family in prayer.

Please pray for Roy, who is our Service Center coordinator in Malawi. On his way to our Zambia family for a regional gathering of Hands, his bag and passport were stolen. Please pray that he would quickly and easily obtain the travel documents he needs to return to his family in Malawi and also that all his needs will be provided for in the meantime.

Malawian team has asked that we stand with them in prayer for: 

  • God to guide their steps and show them the right new communities to break in to
  • unity and love to abound in the Hands at Work team in Malawi
  • better and deeper relationships with the communities they serve
  • God’s heart to continue to be imparted to the care workers and give them the strength and motivation to continue caring for vulnerable children

Let us seek God while He’s here to be found and pray to him while He is close at hand. (Isaiah 55:5-6) and pray for the abundant life described in Isaiah 55:12-13 for our family in Malawi:

            “For you shall go out with joy,
            And be led out with peace;
            The mountains and the hills
            Shall break forth into singing before you,
            And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
            Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress tree,
            And instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree;
            And it shall be to the LORD for a name,
            For an everlasting sign that shall endure forever."

World AIDS Day - Pray for AIDS Victims and for Zambia

Hello prayer advocates,

Today on World AIDS Day we think of all mothers and fathers who have passed away due to AIDS, leaving behind broken families and orphaned children. And we ask you to lift up in prayer the broken families and, in particular, any orphaned children that you personally know of.

Ask the Lord to help your church be an example of the Lord’s love for orphans as written in Psalm 10:17-18, “The helpless put their trust in You. You are the defender of orphans Lord, You know the hopes of the helpless. Surely You will listen to their cries and comfort them. You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed, so people can no longer terrify them.”

Today we’d also like you to stand in prayer for our family in Zambia. Below is a letter from them: 

Thank you for wrestling in prayer with us. May the Lord remember you for all this work and we pray that the He strengthens you and gives you deep insight as you spearhead His work.

Here are some of the things that we’d like to bring before our Lord:

  • Please pray for unity and understanding in everything and for everyone. In particular in our 3 Hands at Work offices in Zambia: Kitwe, Luanshya and Kabwe, in the communities that those 3 offices support, and in our Regional Support Team located in Luanshya, Zambia that supports our Zambia, Malawi and D.R.C. offices.
  • Pray that because of God’s mercy, He will continue to provide caregivers and counselors for children who have been orphaned. Pray also for those children who have been abandoned and abused that they would find courage to open up to a loving caregiver or counselor and in doing so find healing.
  • Please pray for wisdom and zeal for all the Hands at Work team in Zambia
  • Also pray for God's guidance as the team moves forward in new areas in Zambia
  • Pray for Todd, Katie, Alicia, Tyler, Chris, Morgan and Margie (6 Canadian + 1 South African mid-term volunteers) who are in the region visiting, encouraging and providing support where they can.
  • Lastly pray for more international partners and individuals with generous and willing hearts in order that we may find support to care for all the children in the communities we are currently working in.

Thanks and may the Lord be with you.


Prayer for Democratic Republic of Congo

Please Join us this week in praying for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

· Today, pray that because of God’s mercy, He will provide caregivers to counsel children who have been abused. Also pray for the extremely vulnerable children left behind while their parents and caregivers go off to the mines in DRC to try to make enough money to support their family, that those children would be protected from any harm.

· Please pray that God continues to strengthen our communities in DRC with strong leadership and with a heart for the children. That in all the work that they are doing, that they work to the best of their ability and as if they were working for the Lord, not for people. (Colossians 3:23)

· Also pray for the new communities we’ve recently stirred up, like Luambo and Kitabataba, as there is no outside funding yet, that God may strengthen them to stand firm and to support with their local resources according to the needs.

· Pray also for the Likasi, DRC Hands at Work team as they will be hosting Todd and Katie, a couple from Canada, in the DRC and that God may bless Todd and Katie as they support the team.

· Pray also for our brother Erick, Hands at Work coordinator in DRC. He has asked for prayer at this time for God’s guidance and direction in order to do His will in his life.

Thank you for standing firm with us in prayer!

“Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds.” Hebrews 10:24