Opening Windows where Doors are Closed

Greetings to all in Jesus’ name,
2012 is turning out to be a very busy year, with many big changes that will require your prayers and consideration!
-          Hands at Work has been aiming to do more expansion into Nigeria, but there are many obstacles to overcome before this happens. Land purchase for care centers is proving difficult with Nigeria’s cramped landscapes, and the workers there are facing legal and financial opposition. Please pray that God will open windows where doors are closed in this situation.
-          More development with South African and Zambian care centers is planned, as well as construction of homes for Hands volunteers, but we are lacking people resources and management to do so. Please pray that God will “send out workers into His harvest field” (Matthew 9:38)
-          Celebrations in Zambia is coming up at the end of April, and we are facing burdens financially and travel for so many people is often dangerous. Pray for God’s blessing over this event, as it is a time where representation from all Hands communities can come together and celebrate what He has done for us, and look forward to what He will bring forth.
Thank you all for your support in what we do – prayer warriors are so essential to any organization that looks to bring His glory!
Be blessed,


Shout to the Lord

Greetings to all our Friends, Hands family and Intercessors.  

Onekah, a careworker, practices what she learns on a school child.We thank all that have been faithfully praying for the “Walking with Wounded Children” Training course for our care workers in South Africa. It is so close to the Father's heart to see healing come to His vulnerable children and we've seen how He's begun just that through times of play and counselling with care workers and children these past 2 weeks! Even though it was often very emotional and difficult  there were many breakthroughs. Here is a quote from one of the care workers involved in this training: “I have learned how to be a parent who can provide love, care and encouragement to those children who do not have a father or mother to come home to. I have learned how to provide a safe place for a child who has been traumatized and lead them on the path to healing. We now have the ability to provide structure for these children through spending quality time listening to them and their stories. We know the importance of trust in our relationship with our children, and we now know how vital it is for the child to have a listening ear to depend on.  I have taken the information that I have learned through this training and combined it with my heart for children in a way that I can make a lasting impact on their lives.” Emily Dinhira, a Hands at Work training facilitator, taught several seminars over the two-week course.


  • The next Walking with Wounded Children training session starting this Sunday with care workers from the Bushbuckridge area in South Africa - that the facilitators and participants will have strength and perseverance to go to another level of understanding.
  • That all participants from this past session will be encouraged to use their new skills towards caring for vulnerable children.
  • Pray for the safety of the Care Workers as they travel each day on the road to and from the community they are reaching out to.

Check back to the website for more testimonies and stories from this time.  Thank you & be blessed.



Like a Spring whose Waters Never Fail

Greetings to all our faithful intercessors,

 DR Congo careworker Museba Kasowa celebrates God's faithfulness in his healingWe are thankful for the healing of Museba Kasowa, the Care Worker in DR Congo, who was deathly illHis healing has been a testimony for many. Last weekend they visited him in his home. I have attached a photo of him with the other care workers, he has his hands up. Here is a message from Erick, our coordinator in DR Congo: "May God continue to bless you and to refresh you. Thanks a lot to all your  team who don't get weary in lifting thousands of prayer requests to the Throne of God for the saints across the nations."
We also want to thank you for your prayers for the grade eight students in Luanshya, Zambia area. Please continue to pray for support for the following vulnerable communities in that area who together have 15 students who are needing support to go on to high school: Tahila, Kalende, Maposa and New Wells. These 4 communities  have funding for some of their vulnerable children but are still in need of funding for food, health and education to support all their vulnerable children. Thank you for your continued prayers for them.
Please pray for Marc Damour, a Canadian Hands volunteer, as he travels to support our Service Centers in Malawi, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, for travelling safety and health protection.
Lastly, please pray for the strengthening of support to our Service Centres as they go forward in their calling to be a voice to the church in our vulnerable communities - to stir them up and to get them involved in the care of the most vulnerable. 
Thank You
Be blessed,


Standing in the Gap Together

Greetings to all in Jesus’ name,
By standing in the gap for others, we are truly blessed.
This week, please pray,
that we will find success in our 2012 goals:
1)     Increasing church involvement inside our communities in Africa and internationally
2)     Increasing support to our offices across Africa (10 Service Centres across 8 African countries)
3)     Strengthening of our Zambia Regional Support Team and our Hands Community in Zambia (where the majority of our work is happening: supporting 3 countries, 5 offices and 41 communities)
4)     Increasing emphasis on mentoring and discipleship within our Hands family

As well as continued implementation of our 2011 goals.
The Democratic Republic of Congo service centre is looking for an administrator and field coordinator. Pray that God will open doors that will bring about His will.
-    The team is also travelling to Goma in the near future to start up work there – please pray for wisdom and discernment in this new step.
-    Angel, our Hands at Work accountant in the DR Congo, is expecting; please pray that the Lord will assist her and give her strength to care for the new baby.
-    A care worker, Museba Kasowa is improving and gaining strength after a long illness. Please continue to pray for total recovery.
-    Adam Bedford, a long term volunteer from the UK, has just arrived to assist Erick and his team in the DR Congo. Pray for safety and encouragement as he continues to follow the heart of the Lord in servant hood.
The wings of faith carry us far and high
–Oswald Chambers
Thank you,


Standing in the Gap Together

Greetings to all in Jesus’ name,
By standing in the gap for others, we are truly blessed.
This week, please pray,
that we will find success in our 2012 goals:
1)     Increasing church involvement inside our communities in Africa and internationally
2)     Increasing support to our offices across Africa (10 Service Centres across 8 African countries)
3)     Strengthening of our Zambia Regional Support Team and our Hands Community in Zambia (where the majority of our work is happening: supporting 3 countries, 5 offices and 41 communities)
4)     Increasing emphasis on mentoring and discipleship within our Hands family

As well as continued implementation of our 2011 goals.
The Democratic Republic of Congo service centre is looking for an administrator and field coordinator. Pray that God will open doors that will bring about His will.
-    The team is also travelling to Goma in the near future to start up work there – please pray for wisdom and discernment in this new step.
-    Angel, our Hands at Work accountant in the DR Congo, is expecting; please pray that the Lord will assist her and give her strength to care for the new baby.
-    A care worker, Museba Kasowa is improving and gaining strength after a long illness. Please continue to pray for total recovery.
-    Adam Bedford, a long term volunteer from the UK, has just arrived to assist Erick and his team in the DR Congo. Pray for safety and encouragement as he continues to follow the heart of the Lord in servant hood.
The wings of faith carry us far and high
–Oswald Chambers
Thank you,


New Year's Prayer

Greetings in Jesus’ name,

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak”

Isaiah 40:29

Please pray for:

Luanshya, Zambia
Children who were selected to go into grade eight this year are unable to do so because of a lack of funds to pay for their school fees, and must stay at home.

South Africa
The training of careworkers from Bushbuckridge and Clau Clau continues during February.

1)      That preparations will be done in a spirit of excellence and the trainers will be well-prepared

2)      Hearts of Care Workers to receive all that God has for them, and lives changed in the attitude towards children will bring acceptance, belonging and resilience.

3)      God to fulfill His promise to do immeasurably more than we can think or hope

4)      Care Workers to take this change into their lives and the community that they serve

United Kingdom
Please pray that those who have been identified as the right people to build their operation team will confirm their availability to serve God sacrificially, and that God will reveal the final pieces of the puzzle to complete this amazing team.

George plans to visit Hands UK in October; please pray for safety and that the visit will be strategic. Pray that the preparation for a Hands Family retreat will be successful, that the hearts of those involved will be stirred to build partnerships to the next level.

That God will open doors for the advocacy team for Badia so they will be able to start a “Three Essential Services” (Food, education, basic health-care) program to share the needs of the community.

“Joy is the echo of God’s life within us” – Joseph Marmion

Oumie (Hands at Work Intercessor Coordinator)