40 Days of Prayer - Day 13

Most vulnerable families in Africa do not have easy access to water, especially clean water.  Today, pray for their health as they will be drinking infested water.  Pray for safety for children as they walk long distances to fetch water through unsafe areas.  Ask God to make a way for water to be brought to these communities.  

You shall worship the Lord your God, and I will bless your bread and your water; and I will take sickness away from among you - Exodus 23:25

40 Days of Prayer - Day 12

Pray for peace throughout Africa, especially in war torn countries such as DR Congo where the brokenness caused is immeasurable.  Pray specifically for the children who are forced to be child soldiers, for the volunteers who risk their lives each day to get food and provisions across borders for the children.  Ask God to bring them release, and to heal their emotional and mental wounds.   

Learn more about our work in DR Congo »

40 Days of Prayer - Day 11

Pray for child and orphan headed households.  These are children that must raise their younger siblings, foregoing their own child­hood when circumstances leave them no choice.  These children often become desperate in their youth and make devastating life choices.  Pray against this darkness - pray for resources, comfort and an undeniable feeling of acceptance and love from God.  

I write to you, young people, because you are strong and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one - 1 John 2:14

Read the story of an orphan headed household »

40 Days of Prayer - Day 10

Pray for local volunteers in Africa who are caring for children in their own countries.  Thank God for their willingness to see that their own people are being oppressed, and for being open to His call to serve them.  Pray for their families and their futures, that all their needs may be met and that they will be encouraged as they go out today and share the love of Christ.

One Hands at Work Service Centre Coordinator has been bravely telling the story of her life, and how she too was once the most vulnerable child.  She grew up in an abusive neighbor's home while her father was off working and her mother was travelling to find employment.  Today, she volunteers in her own country to care for children who are in danger as she once was.  She is changing the lives of those she works with at Hands at Work, in the Service Centre, and the Community Based Organizations (CBO) through her testimony.  Her story has challenged many to remember that we work for the most vulnerable children who depend on Care Workers to visit them and love them and be someone they can confide in when they face challenges that others may ignore or dismiss.  She wakes up every day as a servant and goes out to be the feet of Jesus, bringing hope to children who are without a voice.  Please pray for her and the many selfless local volunteers who decided where children live should not determine whether they live. 

40 Days of Prayer - Day 9

Today, pray for all Non-Governmental Or­ganizations currently working in Africa. Pray against brokenness in the relationships of those working in the organization.  Together, we can all work urgently to help the children of Africa.  Pray that God will provide the necessary resources, people and ideas so they can continue answering His call to care.