40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 6

Week 2 - The Local Church in Africa 

Vulnerability is seen in Africa in the sick, orphaned, widowed, dying, very young and very old. Pray the local church in Africa will lead the way and become an example of love and care for these who are so close to God’s heart.

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 5

Week 1 - Serving the Most Vulnerable

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, war has devastated the country. Years of rebel attacks have left children as refugees in their own country. Recently peace has returned, and the first light of hope is breaking through in a very dark place.

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 2

Week 1 - Serving the Most Vulnerable

Sexual abuse is rife in the poorest communities. Pray for women, men, and children who are forced, or feel they have no choice, but to put themselves in danger in order to survive. Ask God to perform a miracle in their lives so they can be free.