40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 26

Week 4 - Hands at Work in Africa 

Pray for strength for our local leaders who face opposition daily. Their desire to serve the most vulnerable children is often met with cynicism and hostility. Cultural beliefs and government requirements threaten to halt our work. Pray for those who work against us, for their hearts to be turned in compassion. 

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 24

Week 4 - Hands at Work in Africa

At Hands at Work, our local and international volunteers live together in a Christian community. We believe in working and living together as a family. Pray for our communities to be ones of relationship building, healing, and discipleship. Pray for us to be honest and vulnerable as we strive to serve with sacrifice and love. 

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 21

Week 4 - Hands at Work in Africa

Pray in re-commitment to the second half of 40 Days of Prayer. Know that God hears your prayers and He does not require perfect words, just a willing heart. Pray for the outcome of this season of prayer to be a deeper understanding of God’s will and a closer relationship with Him as you commit to conversing with Him daily. 

40 Days of Prayer 2014 - Day 20

Week 4 - Hands at Work in Africa

We are dependent upon God to send us local African leaders to lead the way in caring for the most vulnerable children. Pray for the growth and development of our existing African leaders, and for God to send us new servants, male and female, with hearts that desire to sacrificially serve the most broken and wounded children.