40 Days of Prayer - Day 21

Day 21 – Life Centres

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. – John 10:10

A Life Centre is not just a structure; it is also an emotional, spiritual and relational place where the most vulnerable children and their families can come knowing that they are loved, accepted and cared for. Pray for more Care Points (places where we meet physical needs) across Africa to be transformed into Life Centres. Pray for children, their Primary Caregivers and the entire community to have an abundance of life through the love and hope of Christ displayed at the Life Centre. Our dream is to see healing of the most vulnerable children’s deep inner wounds and provide a place of life and love for each child, their Primary Caregivers, and the entire community. 

40 Days of Prayer - Day 20

Day 20 – Recommit

But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. – Psalm 86:15

Pray in recommitment to the second half of 40 Days of Prayer. Our God is a gracious Father who loves us and is abounding in unconditional love. Pray for God to give you a deeper understanding of His word and a closer relationship with Him as you commit to speaking with Him daily; interceding on behalf of the most vulnerable. Believe the words of Psalm 86:15 and let them sink deeply into your heart. 

40 Days of Prayer - Day 19

Day 19 – Food Insecurity

Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.                         – Proverbs 22:9

Food security remains a serious issue for many people living in the most vulnerable communities across Africa. When the food supply runs out, people face the hunger season between November and February. The lack of consistent food is one of the biggest contributing factors leading to vulnerability. Today, ask God to comfort and provide for those who don’t know how they will survive. Pray for men and women with hearts of grace and compassion to support those who are suffering in their communities. Praise God for the Care Workers, who supported by partners around the world, have committed to preparing the children a hot and nutritious meal on a daily basis. 

40 Days of Prayer - Day 18

Day 18 - Teachers

This is why we work hard and continue to struggle, for our hope is in the living God, who is the Saviour of all people and particularly of all believers. Teach these things and insist that everyone learn them.  – 1 Timothy 4:10-11    

Vast numbers of the most vulnerable children in Africa have no access to even primary education. Orphaned children are often forced to abandon school and take up responsibilities in the home. As part of the Hands at Work vision in providing holistic care for each child, we fight for children to have access to education. Pray for the teachers who invest many hours a day into teaching our children. Ask God to give them grace and compassion as they serve as role models for the children. Pray they will have wisdom in assessing each child’s needs as they teach in a loving and encouraging way. 

40 Days of Prayer - Day 17

Day 17 – Maranatha Workshops

But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Saviour; my God will hear me.

– Micah 7:7

Maranatha Workshops are the tool that we use to reach our communities with the good news of Jesus. In places like Malawi, members of the local office are continuing to facilitate Maranatha Workshops for the Care Workers, Primary Caregivers and children in our communities. Pray for people to come with hearts that are open and willing to hear all that God has for them. Ask God to bring healing and reconciliation into the lives of the most broken and vulnerable people. Through this workshop, pray for people to comprehend the infinite love that their Heavenly Father has for them and that in response they will display this love to their surrounding community. 


40 Days of Prayer - Third Sunday

“The Son of Man must suffer many terrible things. He will be rejected by the elder, the leading priests and the teachers of religious law. He will be killed, but on the third day he will be raised from the dead. If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up on your own way, take up your cross daily and follow me.” – Luke 9:23-24

On Sundays, we pause to anticipate the coming of Easter Sunday and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.