40 Days of Prayer - Day 22

Day 22 – Primary Caregivers

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

- Isaiah 40:31

In many of the most vulnerable communities in countries like Swaziland, orphaned children are being cared for by their grandparents, aunts, uncles, older siblings or other relatives who have themselves experienced trauma, similar to the children under their care. Pray for complete healing and restoration in the lives of Primary Caregivers, that they will be set free from their inner brokenness. Pray that as they experience the transformational love and grace of Christ, they will feel compelled to pour out this same love and grace to the children that they are caring for. Pray that they will see the Life Centres as a safe place where they can share their burdens with and encourage one another.


Nonhle and her grandmother, Gogo Mavembela, live in the community of Sthobela on the border of Swaziland. Gogo Mavembela is one of thousands of Primary Caregivers dedicated to caring for their children alongside their Care Workers. Lift up in prayer Gogo Mavembela and other Primary Caregivers that you know by name.


40 Days of Prayer - Day 21

Day 21 – Life Centres

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
– John 10:10

A Life Centre is not simply a physical place, but it is an emotional, spiritual and relational place where the most vulnerable people can come knowing that they are loved, accepted and cared for. Our dream for the most vulnerable children and their families is that they will experience healing and restoration from their trauma and brokenness. Pray for more Care Points to be transformed into Life Centres across Africa. Pray that in their time of brokenness, they will experience the love of Jesus and desire a personal relationship with Him.


Hands at Works envisions these different aspects of a Life Centre that, when thriving, transform the lives of the most vulnerable.

40 Days of Prayer - Day 20

Day 20 – Recommit

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. – Galatians 6:9

Today, we encourage you to recommit yourself to the second half of 40 Days. Be thankful that we have a Heavenly Father who unconditionally loves and desires to have an intimate relationship with each one of us. Pray for God to give you a deeper understanding of His heart for justice and a closer relationship with Him as you recommit to interceding on behalf of the most vulnerable. Believe the words of Galatians 6:9 and let them sink deep into your heart; infiltrating into every part of your life.


Today, we encourage you to remind yourself of Nonhle's story, remembering that she represents thousands of the most vulnerable children across Africa, and to recommit yourself to interceding on their behalf.


40 Days of Prayer - Day 19

Day 19 – Education

He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. - Deuteronomy 10:18

In 2019, due to a change in Government policy, children who do not have proper legal documentation to attend school in South Africa will no longer be permitted. The vulnerability of children increases, not only due to the lack of education, but in the routine of day-to-day living. Hands at Work sees Life Centres as opportunities to facilitate growth and development. Ask God to give Hands at Work wisdom and discernment. Pray for each child to enjoy learning at the Life Centre and that they will feel safe, even though it may look different than being in school. Pray for each child, that despite not being permitted to attend school, they will belong and will be accepted.


40 Days of Prayer - Day 18

Day 18 – Food insecurity

For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” They said to him, “Sir, give us this bread always.” Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. – John 6:33-35

Food security remains a serious issue in many of the most vulnerable communities in countries like Malawi that Hands at Work are serving. Many people face desperate hunger between November and February when their food supplies run out. Today, pray for people with hearts of compassion to give out of their resources to those who are suffering around them. Ask God to bring comfort, peace and provision to those who are living day to day and don’t know how they are going to survive. Praise God for volunteer Care Workers, who have committed to daily providing the most vulnerable children with a hot and nutritious meal.


Across Africa, in communities like Maposa in Zambia, the most vulnerable children can come to the Life Centre where they receive a hot and nutritious meal from their Care Workers.

40 Days of Prayer - Day 17

Day 17 – Maranatha Workshops

Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. – Matthew 11:28-30

Maranatha Workshops is a tool that we use to share the good news of Jesus Christ in our communities across Africa. In places like the Democratic Republic of Congo these workshops are continuing to be facilitated by the Hands at Work Local Office teams for the Care Workers, Primary Caregivers and the children. Pray for each person to come with an open and expectant heart for all that God wants to do. Pray for each person attending, to come to know the unconditional love of their Heavenly Father and that they will desire a personal relationship with Him. Ask God to bring healing and restoration into the broken areas of people’s lives and that as a result, they will then be able to bring transformation to their families and surrounding community.
