40 Days of Prayer - Day 4

Day 4 – Model of Hands at Work

“Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be like-minded one toward another according to Christ Jesus.” – Romans 15:5

From the beginning, the model of Hands at Work has been to empower the church to take ownership in their communities as they care for the most vulnerable. Across Hands at Work, there are different roles that exist to support volunteer Care Workers. From the Regional Support Team to the Finance Team, each works together to support the most vulnerable children. Ask God to bring continued unity, growth, honesty and accountability to every layer within Hands at Work, and for Christ to continually remain the foundation of the Hands at Work model.


40 Days of Prayer - Day 3

Day 3 – Children Yet to Be Identified

‘Then the people brought their little children to Jesus so he could put his hands on them and pray for them. His followers told them to stop, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people who are like these children.’ – Matthew 19:13-14

Across Africa there are thousands of vulnerable children not yet cared for. Pray for these children, who on a regular basis are exposed variously to hunger, abuse, war, injustice, persecution and corruption. Pray that they will experience God’s peace, comfort and healing in their brokenness and that God will provide for their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.


40 Days of Prayer - Day 2

Day 2 - Children across Africa

‘Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.’ – Psalm 127:3-5

Praise God for 7500 of the most vulnerable children, including Safta, that Hands at Work is serving across eight different countries in Africa. Pray for each child to know the unconditional love of their Heavenly Father through the love that they receive from their local Care Workers. Ask God to fill each child with a sense of belonging and hope for their future.


Prayer Requests - June 2019

‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God’ - Philippians 4:6-7

Praying for Our Children across Africa

Throughout 2019 many of the local Hands at Work teams across Africa are working with the volunteer Care Workers to identify and assess the most vulnerable children with a view to increasing the number of children that they are supporting. Please join us in praying for:

  • Each child who will start coming to the Care Point this year, that they will feel welcomed, safe and accepted by the other children. Pray that when they come to the Care Point they will experience the love and acceptance of the Care Workers and pray that they will come to know the unconditional love of their heavenly Father, through the Godly example of the Care Workers.

  •  The Care Workers, to have the wisdom, grace and gentleness that they need to support the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the new children. Ask God to prepare the Care Workers’ hearts to welcome the additional children, that they will have the energy and strength needed.

  • The Primary Caregivers of the children who will be coming to the Care point, that they will feel encouraged and supported by the Care Workers. Pray that they will see the Care Point as a place where they can also come to build relationships with other men and women who are facing similar challenges, and that they will experience healing and restoration.

  •  The local Hands at Work teams, to have the wisdom and discernment that they need to help the Care Workers identify the most vulnerable children in their community, who are in desperate need of the holistic care given at the Care Point.


Praying for the Local Hands at Work Team in Swaziland 

Hands at Work has Local Teams across Africa who are committed to supporting the Care Workers and the most vulnerable children. The local Hands at Work team in Swaziland consists of African and International Volunteers.   

  • Vusi is the coordinator of the local Hands at Work team in Swaziland. Pray that he will lead the team with patience and encouragement; that he will listen to Gods guidance on where to go and who to see. Ask God to give Vusi the wisdom that needs to know how best to support the most vulnerable children and families that we are caring for.

  • Our desire to grow the local team in Swaziland. Pray for God to send more African Volunteers in Swaziland with hearts that desire to be set apart from their cultural norms and sacrificially serve the most broken.

  • Pray for each team who will be visiting Swaziland to be impacted as they walk in these rural communities and pray that they will see God’s heart for the most vulnerable. Ask God to give the local Hands at Work team in Swaziland, the wisdom, strength and energy that they need to support these teams well.

  •  At the beginning of June, there will be a Maranatha Workshop for the Care Workers from the communities of Msengeni A and B. Pray for each of the Care Workers to come with open and willing hearts to receive all that God has for them. Ask God to give each person facilitating this week together, wisdom and discernment as they lead.

  • Weekly, people in the local Hands at Work team, travel to Swaziland from South Africa. Ask God to give them continued protection as they travel.