Day 3 - Children across Mozambique (#40Days2024)

Within Mozambique, there are 600 children being loved and cared for. Today, we invite you to pray for children across Mozambique:

  • “Across Africa, it is common for young girls to be given in marriage as early as 12 years old. Pray against this cultural practice and that people will speak up and advocate for the children.” (Sandra, Local Leader, Mozambique)

  • “Within the communities, there is a lack of positive and Godly female role models.” (Audrey, Regional Support Team Leader, Mozambique). Pray for the children to have positive role models they can look up to.

  • “Often when children are sick, the hospital isn’t the first place they go.” (Audrey, Regional Support Team Leader, Mozambique). Pray for protection over the children and that God will keep them strong and healthy.

Clara is one of the 600 children being cared for in Mozambique. In 2022, while the Care Workers were looking for more children to welcome to the Care Point, they met Clara* and her siblings. They truly were in a tough spot; a widow with three young children, no home of their own and trying to find a sense of belonging in a new community where they were complete strangers. Building trust took time, finding odd jobs was difficult, and Clara’s mother struggled to fulfill her role in caring for herself and her children.

Thankfully, Joyce, a local Care Worker, bonded with this family. Being a single mother herself, she felt their brokenness and embraced them wholeheartedly. Through the Care Workers’ love and being welcomed daily to the Care Point, Clara’s family began to see hope again. The children have returned to school, they are being fed a hot, nutritious meal daily, and healing is being found simply by knowing that they are not alone. At first, Clara was very reserved and only came to the Care Point to eat, but through the Care Workers love and dedication, she now stays and plays with the other children. – Matsinho B Community, Mozambique


Day 2 - Meet the Chimoio Service Centre (#40Days2024)

Across Africa, Hands at Work has local teams comprising of Christian men and women who have answered God’s calling on their lives to serve the most vulnerable. Each of these teams exists to encourage, challenge and support local volunteer Care Workers as they care for the most vulnerable children in the most broken and desperate communities across Africa. We call these teams Service Centres.

In the Chimoio Service Centre are: Elsa, Maria, Philippe, Sandra and Sozinho. They serve five of the most vulnerable communities across Africa.

“Pray that we will have unity and be brave in the midst of fear. There are many challenges in the communities. Pray that we will remain strong as we fight for the children.” (Sandra, Local Leader, Mozambique)

Many youth camps and workshops are happening in the next few months. Pray for God’s hand to move and for people’s lives to be transformed.

Day 1 - Welcome to Mozambique (#40Days2024)

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles.” And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said. - 2 Chronicles 32:7-8

Mozambique is one of eight countries Hands at Work is serving in across Africa. Mozambique has a population of 33,956,560 people, with 67% of the population living in extreme poverty. Ranking 185 out of 187 on the Human Development Index, there are 150,000 children living with HIV/AIDS and 1,300,000 children who have been orphaned because of this life-threatening illness. –Sources: UNAID, UNDP, World Poverty Clock

As we start 40 Days of Prayer, we invite you to join us in praying for the country of Mozambique:

  • In the midst of changes in the country and a season of transition for the Hands team in Mozambique, pray for peace and comfort.

  • Over the years, the cost of food and basic necessities in Mozambique has risen significantly. Pray that God will make a way and sustain His people.

  • “Pray for the rains to continue and that there would be a good harvest across Mozambique.” (Audrey, Regional Support Team Leader, Mozambique)

  • Ask God to pour out His spirit and pray that people would understand more of the gospel.

As you pray, remember the International Offices in Australia, Canada, Germany, the US and the UK who serve with Hands at Work to care for the most vulnerable in Africa. Pray for each of the advocates and churches in these countries that partner with Hands at Work. Pray that they will remain steadfast in their calling to serve. Pray that they will be encouraged even in times of difficulty.


40 Days of Prayer 2023 (Week 7 of 7)

Day 35 of 40 - Prag

My name is Prag. I am the wife of Levy. Currently, we are serving in South Africa. Please stand with us in prayers for our region, South Africa. You will hear me use the word sangoma. Sangoma means being involved in ritual practice or being trained as a witch doctor, or traditional healer or ancestral worship. Please pray with us for our Care Workers, Primary Caregivers, and our children who have been involved in sangoma practice.

Sangoma practice has really affected our community with fear. Currently, we have one of our most vulnerable child who has been taken to be trained as a sangoma. She’s required to pay a thousand Rand. She is treated like a slave by the people who are training her. Please, pray with us, that God will give us wisdom and courage on how we can intervene in this situation. Pray with us that God will raise local church leaders, together with our local Service Centre office, to stand and to have courage to share the truth in our communities.

Please pray with us, as the Word of God says, “We shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.” Please pray with us that God will give us courage and will give us strength as we walk into our communities, that we will share the truth about Jesus. Thank you.

  • Have you ever felt pressured to do something even though you know it’s wrong? Have you ever seen a friend do something that could be dangerous for them and you didn’t know how to help them?

Day 37 of 40 - Vivian

Good day everyone. My name is Vivian. I work with Hands at Work, and I serve at Lagos Service Centre [Nigeria]. I would like you to please pray with us today. Please pray for our Youth Boys in Amakoko Care Point, in Ilaje community.

One thing we’ve observed in the community is that the men don’t take care of their wives. The culture encourages a man to marry as many wives as possible and to get as many children as possible A man can have up to four wives, can have up to six wives, and he can get like eight children, 10 children, and even more than. But he will not take care of the wife. He will not take care of the children.

He will not support the wife. He will not support the children. The responsibility of feeding the children, the responsibility of buying clothes for the children. The responsibility of treating the children when they are sick, the responsibility of even providing shelter is mostly on the woman.

While the youngest child of the house is still crawling, the woman is pregnant again with another child, the culture forces the children into child labour. Sometimes children are sent to go and work in order to take care of themself and also the family.

Sometimes children are not allowed to go to school. They are forced to stay at home in order to take care of the younger ones while their mom will go and sell fish in order to be able to provide food for the family.

Please pray for our youth boys that even as we’re raising them in the Care Point, even as we’re sharing the word of God with them and showing them the way that the Holy Spirit will minister into their hearts and that the Holy Spirit will open their eyes to see the culture for what it is, that the culture is a culture that endangers the lives of women and children.

Please, let us pray for our youth boys that our youth boys will not follow in the steps of their fathers - their fathers, their brothers, their uncles - this is a culture they have known since they have been born. Let’s pray for our youth boys that they’ll not follow in the footsteps of their parents. That the Lord will deliver them from that evil mentality of having many children and many wives that you cannot care for.

Let’s pray that our youth boys will not be influenced by this evil culture, but rather they, themselves, will begin to influence the community positively. Please let’s pray our youths will know the truth and that the truth, which is the word of God, will set them free from this evil culture and this evil mentality.

Please pray for our youth boys that when it’s time for them to settle down, they will take one wife and they will only bear children that they can care for, and that the change will begin with them. Thank you very much.

  • Has your mom or dad ever asked you, “If your friend jumped off a bridge, would you also do it?” Do you ever feel like it is easier to go along with what everyone else is doing, even if you know it isn’t right?

Day 39 of 40 - carolyn

Friday has come. The crucifixion. Jesus was on the cross. From noon until three there was absolute darkness. Jesus cried out just after three. The curtain tore from top to bottom. The earth shook. Rocks split. Tombs broke open. Why do we call it good Friday? Actually, if we think about it, common sense would say, “There’s nothing good about it.” But, that terrible Friday has been called Good Friday because it led to the resurrection of Jesus and his victory over death and sin.

Let’s pray today, that we can recognise in the darkness, Jesus took all our sin. His father turned his head away from him. He could not face him for all our sin. The miracle of that curtain tearing from top to bottom, the earthquake, the rocks splitting, let us take a moment and pray for ourselves. For the forgiveness of our sins. To pause and to acknowledge and to try and consume or think or absorb what Jesus actually did for each one of us on that day. He died for us, but yet we know that in three days he will rise because he promised. He said, in three days, I will rise. Grace, be with you all. Peace to you. Bless you.

  • Think of the most painful thing you’ve experienced.  What Jesus went through for you was much, much worse, but he did it for YOU. Talk with your mom and dad about what Jesus did for us, and take time today to thank him.

Day 40 of 40 - Levy

Hi everyone. Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. My name is Levy, married to Pragcidence, and we are serving together in Hands. Today is Easter Sunday and we are celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we are celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ it gives us hope. Hope for salvation. Hope for our community. Hope in our life. For discipleship. I want all of you, wherever you are, across Africa and outside Africa, to pray with me - that our children in the community, they’ll have hope in Jesus. And those who know Jesus, they’ll continue to believe in Him. And those who don’t know Jesus, let’s pray together that they’ll know Jesus. Pray with me for the Primary Caregiver, the Gogo, the Auntie who are looking after our children, that they’ll have hope in Jesus.

As they go through difficult times when they’re looking after our children, because they’re the ones who face the challenge every day. Pray with me for our Care Workers who are visiting our children, that they will have hope in Jesus. Pray with Hands and our Care Workers who share the Jesus we know to our children, that there will be more children who shall receive the salvation.

Pray that Jesus Christ, he’ll guide them. Jesus Christ, He will be on their side and let them have hope. Pray with me that us in Hands at Work, we’ll go to share Jesus to make discipleship. As you know in Hands, we don’t hire but we make sons and daughters. Sons and daughters are those we disciple them and they grow in faith. They start, also, to share Jesus.

Thank you so much. God bless you. And all of you, there’s hope in Christ because of his resurrection. Thank you.

  • Spend time today thanking and praising God for raising Jesus from the dead, for offering us salvation, and bringing hope to the world.

40 Days of Prayer 2023 (Week 6 of 7)

Day 29 of 40 - Royie

I am Royie from Dedza, Malawi. I am working with Hands at Work in Africa organisation. With the help of my fellow friends, we are serving in 10 communities.

Currently, we are caring for over a thousand orphans and vulnerable children. Please help us to pray today for these children that we are serving. Most of them are rejected by their own mothers and fathers. As is custom, when the mother dies, the father leave the children with Gogos or aunts, who struggle taking care of them. The same way if the mother has been divorced. She leave the children and go away to look for work far away from home. In this case, the children, have very much been rejected.

So, I would like us to pray for this spirit of rejection that is within the fathers and the mothers who normally rejected their children. So, we may ask God to take control over these children because the parents may reject them, but God will not reject them. Jesus does not reject them. He died for them. He cares for them. We need to stand with these orphans and children in the community, so that, when they know Jesus, all the rejection issues will not be there because he cares for everyone. Thanks very much for listening.

  • Have you ever felt left out? Maybe at school you weren’t picked for your sports team or weren't invited to a party. How did that make you feel? Royie mentioned that many children feel left out and rejected. Please pray that children will know that they are loved and cared for. Pray that they will have people who make them feel included and that they will know that God will never reject them.

Day 31 of 40 - angel

My name is Angel Masuka. I’m serving with Hands at Work in Likasi Service Centre in the DRC. We are supporting nine communities, altogether 900 children who are coming from the most vulnerable families. I’d like to share the prayer request on behalf of our families.

In most of our communities, we see the most vulnerable families. They do have many children, and they are facing challenges on how they can care for their children. We do have the example of one family in Kikula B. One of the children name is Alex. He’s coming from the family of 11 children. The parents, they have this number of children, not because they liked it, but because they didn’t have any information about the family planning. They don’t have any job, and they are facing challenges on how they can provide for them and care for them all. So, three from these children, they are in a bad condition of malnutrition. Another example is from Toyota, one of the children from the family of four as she’s five years old, but weight is eight kg. She does have three siblings. The parent, they don’t have any job and they can’t provide for them. She’s facing a bad level of malnutrition as well. We also see from the youth camp we had, many of our youth, they are wounded and broken because they have to be breadwinners for their own families. They have to provide for themself and to provide for the whole family. They have to stop school to go to look for piece work to sell vegetable, fruit and eggs so they can get something to provide at home. Please pray for God to give us wisdom on how we can care for these children and on how we can support these families well, on the side of family planning and on the side of care. Thank you.

  • Angel mentioned that many children in the DRC don’t have enough food to eat. It’s hard to imagine being so hungry that we get sick and need to go to the doctor. Pray that children will have food to eat and parents will be able to provide for their children. Specifically, pray for the two families mentioned above, that they will be completely healed and will recover their energy.

Day 33 of 40 - Erick

My name is Eric from DRC. I’m one of the Zambia leaders, but I’m living in Likasi. I would like to share to you on this 40 Days of Prayer about Kikula community. Kikula is one of the five communities that the local Service Centre is supporting - over 900 children! So, Kikula has a background story where the community was affected by genocide in those years, 1992, 1993, and people have been killing each other and the community was left abandoned. This side of Kikiula B, where Sylvia is, is a poor place. The community has been affected by those wars, by those rebel fights. In this place we do have most vulnerable children. We are trying to care, and we are trying to go even more than the number we are having because the poverty is on the extreme.

So in this community, I’m sharing to you the story of Sylvia, who is eight years old. She’s a girl. She lost the father three years ago and the mother died a month ago or so. I visited Sylvia two weeks after the mother died, and I could see Sylvia, she was looking so desperate.

I saw in that house where there is poverty, misery, you know, there are many orphans staying in that house because they are cousins. Some have lost their fathers, some mothers. There are a lot of orphans in that place. Among those children, Sylvia is there. But Sylvia, she’s sick. She was looking so desperate. We discovered that she was suffering with spleen disease. So, with spleen disease, Sylvia is looking anaemic and malnutritious.

So, I’d like you to join me, in this 40 Days of Prayer so we can pray for Sylvia that the Lord may intervene, for Sylvia to receive the proper treatment, even surgery from the doctor on this disease too far to be healed. Because Sylvia saw how the mother died so Sylvia is scared. She’s thinking maybe she’ll pass away like the mother. Let us pray for Sylvia that the Lord restore hope and bring healing, even for the medical doctor doing this surgery just to remove the sickness in her body. That Sylvia will be healed totally. Bless you.

  • Have you ever been in hospital or taken to the doctor because you were sick? How did you feel? Were you scared? Erick shared about a young girl named Sylvia, who is very sick. Pray that God will heal her. 

40 Days of Prayer 2023 (Week 4 of 7)

Day 17 of 40 - Carolyn

“Today’s prayer request contains mentions of self-harm and suicide. It is an important challenge to understand, but parents may want to listen first before sharing it with younger children.” - Pinky

Greetings. My name is Carolyn and my husband is George. We serve wherever we are needed. The prayer request I have is to stand together against the spirit of self-harm and suicide. Committing suicide years back was hardly heard of. As the years have gone by, and particularly this year in 2023, so many cases of self-harm and of suicide have come to our attention. The increase is within our children, our Primary Caregivers, and the Care Workers within Africa. They lose hope that they, they think that things are way beyond their abilities. Even the spirit of suicide - witchcraft - is heavy in our community. Recently, we had a young boy of 12 say he heard a voice telling him to commit suicide right there at school. This is the type of thing I would love everybody to pray against - the spirit of self-harm and suicide that is going around our communities in Africa and in the world. Stand with us. Stand in the gap for our children, our Gogos, our Care Workers, our Primary Caregivers. Stand for our friends across the world that they who are are struggling will have the ability to be able to share with others, to know that we have a Father that cares for us deeply. Jesus loves each one so passionately. He wants the very best for us and does not want us to go before our time. So I trust that this will be a day where we can stand together, we can pray against those feelings and temptations. That we can bring hope and surround people. That God will speak to others, like he did with the young boy’s friend, and intervene . Thank you for taking the time to pray with us today.

  • Sometimes people can feel so sad and troubled that they can feel like there's no hope. Sometimes people can be ill physically but also spiritually and emotionally - this can cause people to feel hopeless.

  • This is so sad. Please pray that people that find themselves in this position will know they are loved and there IS hope. Pray that everyone feeling like this will have someone they can talk to about how they feel

Day 19 of 40 - Busie

My name is Busie Jones from South Africa, currently based in Australia. Today we are praying for Hands at Work Life Centres across Africa. When Three Essential Services begin in a community, children gather daily at a Care Point to receive food and care. As some of you might know, many years ago, we began pushing towards transforming these Care Points into Life Centres.

The very word “Life Centre” speaks of the purpose - to bring a taste of God’s peace, a taste of life and care to our communities, and their orphaned and vulnerable children. We dream of our Life Centres to embrace a culture of care.

Let us pray that this dream becomes a reality in many of our communities as our local offices, Regional Support Teams, and international teams visit our communities, working alongside Care Workers and supporting them in developing these Life Centres for the benefit of our children. Let us pray that our Life Centres would be places where the broken, the wounded, and the hurting would run and find hope, love, and care. 

Let us pray that our children, the Caregivers, and the Care Workers would experience God’s healing in these Life Centres through different activities that are happening daily. Let us pray that these Life Centres would be beacons of hope and that they would shine the light of God so brightly in our communities, that the communities that were once known for darkness would be known for light. That people would experience what it means to walk in the light.

Lord, how we long that our Life Centres would be like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. That people would experience God in his fullness, in these Life Centres. That they will be a taste of heaven for many, many people. This is Your dream! We believe it and we trust you with it because you have come to give salvation to our children, to our Care Workers, and to our Caregivers.

  • Where do you go for help when you are in trouble or scared? If you need someone, who do you run to?

  • Where do you have the most fun? Where is the place where you laugh and play with your friends?

  • Busie mentioned in her prayer requests that Hands at Work want to create Life Centres. Life Centres are where children can experience fun, laughter, play and care. Pray that each community Hands at Work supports will have a Life Centre - places where our children love to be.

  • If you could design your own life Centre for your community, what would it look like? Draw a place you would love to attend. What would it have?

Day 21 of 40 - Sam

Okay, so I’m with Pastor Sam Shin from Wellspring Church in San Francisco, who’s been a partner with Hands at Work since 2006, even before we started Hands at Work. Sam and a group of his men from his church visited us, and since then, sam has been in Africa multiple times and sent multiple teams, and he’s still supporting the work very strongly. We are in Zambia right now. Sam, I wanna ask you, “Out of your heart, how would you ask the international community to pray for Hands?”

Thank you, George. And first of all, it’s been a privilege to be here. I could not have imagined after almost two decades of life together with Hands, still being always surprised by what the Lord shows me about his heart for all of us. And I think knowing Christ is absolutely the best motivation by which we do what you’re doing, and by what we see.

Prayer-wise, I was thinking about this question and I thought this, until Jesus returns, it’s not going to get better. That means even after you are gone from this world, the problem will still be the same. I see you and I see a man who loves the Lord deeply, and I’m so thankful for just your ministry and heart as you run into the fire getting ready to go to Goma. My heart’s prayer is that that desire for why Hands exists, which is for Christ and His glory, and what he has done for you and for all of us, that that motivation would continue. And so, unless those all around the world are praying that the Lord would bring about an individual or a group of individuals who have that same heart, first for Christ, and out of that heart, having a, a burden for the most vulnerable, the poorest of the poor, if that happens, Hands will be in the safest, most productive, most God-glorifying place. It’ll be a place that will, Lord willing, even exceed anything that you’ve had an opportunity to see in your lifetime.

  • Do you have any family traditions that have been passed down through your family? Maybe you always celebrate Christmas on the 24th of December, or every Sunday you sit around the table and have lunch.

  • Sam shared that his prayer is that the same heart that George and Carolyn have for Jesus and the most vulnerable will be passed down to more and more generations and that the work will carry on. We are going to need to continue caring until Jesus comes again. Pray that we will be joined by more and more people who have a heart for the vulnerable in the years to come.