Pastor Carlos Guia’s Visit to the U.S.

Carlos is a local pastor from Mozambique currently serving over 2,000 orphans.  Though his days are often filled with burying the dead and praying with the sick and dying, you will often catch him with a big grin on his face.  He is a man who truly rejoices in his savior even in the midst of suffering that he faces everyday.  Carlos’ ministry in Mozambique has also touched many believers here in the U.S. through his recent visit.  He arrived in the U.S. on February 12th and spoke at various churches in Colorado, North Dakota, and California over a span of a month and recently returned home.  Here is a short video clip of Carlos addressing Hands supporters in the U.S. 

More information on how Hands at Work is working with local churches in Mozambique to care for the orphans and the sick can be found here.